K-ReaD( Kokugakuin University Researcher’s Achievement)

Department of Tourism and Community Development
Last Updated :2024/04/19



  • 氏名

    Seiji YONEDA


  • Department of Tourism and Community Development, Professor


  • Apr. 2006, Sep. 2011, Kumamoto University, Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences
  • Apr. 1987, Mar. 1989, Waseda University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
  • Apr. 1983, Mar. 1987, Waseda University, School of Science and Engineering


  • 27 Jul. 2011, 博士(公共政策学), 熊本大学, 法学関係, 甲第18号, 持続可能な地域経営と地域自治に関する研究―由布院の観光まちづくりを事例として―


  • Apr. 2015, 9999, Ehime University, Faculty of Law and Letters
  • Apr. 2012, Mar. 2015, Ehime University, Faculty of Law and Letters
  • Apr. 1998, Jun. 2010
  • Apr. 1994, Mar. 1998
  • Apr. 1989, Mar. 1994


  • 01 Apr. 2020


  • 観光政策、観光まちづくり、観光産業、地域政策、移住政策



  • 91, 109, 31 Mar. 2021
  • Preliminary consideration on "food culture" components from the viewpoint of "food industry" COVID-19 correspondence, 35, 149, 152, Dec. 2020
  • A Study on "Snack-bar Tourism" : As a place where daily life and non-daily life intersect and interact, 34, 125, 128, Dec. 2019
  • 30, 2, 22, 25, May 2019
  • 38, 2・3, 83, 112, Mar. 2019
  • 33, 117, 120, Dec. 2018
  • 15, 16, Jun. 2018
  • The Source of Innovation in the Case of Yufuin Cooking Study Group, 米田 誠司; 大澤 健, 日本観光研究学会全国大会学術論文集 Proceedings of JITR annual conference, 32, 101, 104, Dec. 2017, 日本観光研究学会
  • Tourism Development and Sustainable Regional Management : The Case of Yufuin, 米田 誠司, 都市計画 = City planning review, 66, 6, 60, 63, 15 Nov. 2017, 日本都市計画学会
  • 2016, 38, 43, 50, 2016
  • Research for the Process of Making the Tourism Value in the Case of Sightseeing Train, 米田 誠司, 日本観光研究学会全国大会学術論文集 Proceedings of JITR annual conference, 30, 81, 84, Nov. 2015, 日本観光研究学会
  • Research for the Border of Tourism and Daily Life from the View Point of Walking Guides, 米田 誠司, 日本観光研究学会全国大会学術論文集 = Proceedings of JITR annual conference, 29, 181, 184, Dec. 2014, 日本観光研究学会
  • Fundamental Research for the Locality through the Souvenir, 米田 誠司, 日本観光研究学会全国大会学術論文集, 28, 369, 372, Dec. 2013, 日本観光研究学会
  • Stimulating Local Tourism Economy through the Spin-off Effect, 米田 誠司, 愛媛経済論集, 32, 2, 105, 117, Mar. 2013, 愛媛大学経済学会
  • Stimulating Local Tourism Economy through the Spin-off Effect, 米田 誠司, 日本観光研究学会全国大会学術論文集, 27, 305, 308, Dec. 2012, 日本観光研究学会
  • 36, 5, 8, 12, Oct. 2012
  • Town & Tourism Development in Yufuin by the Concept of "Dynamic Community", 米田 誠司, 日本観光研究学会全国大会学術論文集, 26, 273, 276, Dec. 2011, 日本観光研究学会
  • -, YONEDA Seiji, kumamoto University, 1, 118, Jul. 2011
  • The Change of "Self-Government of Citizens" by the Merger of Municipalities : A Case Study of Former Yufuin Town, Yoneda Seiji, Kumamto University studies in social and cultural sciences, 9, 261, 279, 25 Mar. 2011, 熊本大学, In Japan, the big merger of municipalities was help three times from 1880's to now. The first big merger was in Meiji Era, the second big merger was in Showa Era and third big merger was in Heisei Era as 2000's. This paper deals with the merger policy in Heisei Era, and the case study of the merger of Yufuin town into Yufu city. The merger of municiparities has an effect on an administrative organization and the life of citizens. So I think the most important thing is self-government of citizens. I'll present in this paper, what is the merger policy in Japan, why and how Yufuin town which is known as one of the advanced town in Japan change the self-government of citizens, and ofter the merger how Yufuin town change now. But I point out that there is room for further discussion about the new organization of self-government in merger city to respond to the change of the time from now.
  • The change of "self-government of citizens" by the merger of municipalities: a case study of former Yufuin town, Yoneda Seiji, Kumamoto University, studies in social and cultural sciences, 9, 261, 279, 2011, Kumamoto University, In Japan, the big merger of municipalities was help three times from 1880's to now. The first big merger was in Meiji Era, the second big merger was in Showa Era and third big merger was in Heisei Era as 2000's. This paper deals with the merger policy in Heisei Era, and the case study of the merger of Yufuin town into Yufu city. The merger of municiparities has an effect on an administrative organization and the life of citizens. So I think the most important thing is self-government of citizens. I'll present in this paper, what is the merger policy in Japan, why and how Yufuin town which is known as one of the advanced town in Japan change the self-government of citizens, and ofter the merger how Yufuin town change now. But I point out that there is room for further discussion about the new organization of self-government in merger city to respond to the change of the time from now.
  • Stimulating Local Tourism Economy through the Spin-off Effect, 32, 2, 105, 117, Mar. 2013
  • The process of creating tourist attractions through guiding, ;;;;;;, 34, 3, 27, 57, Mar. 2015
  • ;, 13, 65, 87, Mar. 2018
  • Public Policy Studies Association Japan Research Conference 2018 Planning Committee Session V Symposium "Development, Possibilities and Future Challenges of Inbound Tourism", 38, 2, 83, 112, Mar. 2019
  • A Travel Behavior Analysis of Passengers of the Ferry Routes between Ehime and Oita Prefectures, YUKIHIRA Masaya;TAKAMA Yuto;MURATA Ron;YONEDA Seiji, The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation, 137, 0, 81, 89, 2017, Japan Institute of Navigation,

    The Ehime and Oita prefectures are connected by three ferry routes: Yawatahama-Beppu, Misaki-Saganoseki, and Yawatahama-Usuki. The Shikoku and Kyushu islands are linked by these routes. Each route is important in various aspects such as freight and passenger transportation. Passengers especially use these routes to ply between the Shikoku and Kyusyu islands for tourism as well as business. This study aims to investigate the travel behavior of passengers, which promotes the use of these routes.

    As a result of the questionnaire survey, 1,649 effective responses were obtained including 471 from the Yawatahama-Beppu route, 610 from the Misaki-Saganoseki route, and 568 from the Yawatahama-Usuki route .

    The results are as follows:

    (1)Attributes of the passengers and the actual conditions of the use of routes were aligned with each other.

    (2)The passengers' purposes varied with each route; for example, the Yawatahama-Beppu route was especially used for sight-seeing.

    (3)Based on the place of departure and the destination of passengers, the total migration between the Ehime and Oita prefectures accounted for 32.3%.

  • Between the Ordinary and the Extraordinary::Earthquake Recovery Process in Yufuin, YONEDA Seiji, Journal of Sociological Society of West Japan, 16, 0, 35, 42, 2018, Sociological Society of West Japan
  • 447, 5, 11, Dec. 2001
  • 394, 28, 32, Jul. 1999
  • 421, 38, 41, Nov. 2001
  • Tourism & culture., 26, 4, 12, 14, Jul. 2002
  • 34, 9, 20, 23, Feb. 2004
  • ;, 58, 6, 66, 73, Jun. 2004
  • ;;, 1122, 60, 63, Jun. 2007
  • Town & Tourism Development in Yufuin by the Concept of "Dynamic Community", 26, 273, 276, Dec. 2011
  • 36, 5, 8, 12, Oct. 2012
  • 2013, 1, 49, 51, May 2013
  • Stimulating Local Tourism Economy through the Spin-off Effect, 27, 305, 308, Dec. 2012
  • Fundamental Research for the Locality through the Souvenir, 28, 369, 372, Dec. 2013
  • 615, 8, 11, Jul. 2014
  • Research for the Process of Making the Tourism Value in the Case of Sightseeing Train, 30, 81, 84, Nov. 2015
  • Research for the Border of Tourism and Daily Life from the View Point of Walking Guides, 29, 181, 184, Dec. 2014
  • ECPR : Ehime Center for Policy Research, 2016, 38, 43, 50, 2016
  • Tourism Development and Sustainable Regional Management : The Case of Yufuin, 66, 6, 60, 63, 15 Nov. 2017
  • The Source of Innovation in the Case of Yufuin Cooking Study Group, ;, 32, 101, 104, Dec. 2017
  • The Source of Innovation in the Case of Yufuin Art Movement, ;, 33, 117, 120, Dec. 2018
  • Regional Revitalization via Regional Economic Flows : Findings from an Input-Output Analysis Survey in Yufuin Town, 30, 2, 78, 81, Mar. 2019
  • 28, 3, 82, 85, Sep. 2014


  • 184, 187, Aug. 2021
  • 60, 65, Mar. 2019
  • 13, 65, 87, Mar. 2018
  • A Travel Behavior Analysis of Passengers of the Ferry Routes between Ehime and Oita Prefectures, YUKIHIRA Masaya; TAKAMA Yuto; MURATA Ron; YONEDA Seiji, The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation, 137, 0, 81, 89, 2017, 公益社団法人 日本航海学会, <p>The Ehime and Oita prefectures are connected by three ferry routes: Yawatahama-Beppu, Misaki-Saganoseki, and Yawatahama-Usuki. The Shikoku and Kyushu islands are linked by these routes. Each route is important in various aspects such as freight and passenger transportation. Passengers especially use these routes to ply between the Shikoku and Kyusyu islands for tourism as well as business. This study aims to investigate the travel behavior of passengers, which promotes the use of these routes.</p><p>As a result of the questionnaire survey, 1,649 effective responses were obtained including 471 from the Yawatahama-Beppu route, 610 from the Misaki-Saganoseki route, and 568 from the Yawatahama-Usuki route .</p><p>The results are as follows:</p><p>(1)Attributes of the passengers and the actual conditions of the use of routes were aligned with each other.</p><p>(2)The passengers' purposes varied with each route; for example, the Yawatahama-Beppu route was especially used for sight-seeing.</p><p>(3)Based on the place of departure and the destination of passengers, the total migration between the Ehime and Oita prefectures accounted for 32.3%.</p>
  • The process of creating tourist attractions through guiding, 吉岡 走馬; 上田 将輝; 久保 静; 東岡 侑; 吉廣 勇佑; 渡部 杏奈; 米田 誠司, 愛媛経済論集 = Ehime economic journal, 34, 3, 27, 57, Mar. 2015, 愛媛大学経済学会
  • 615, 8, 11, Jul. 2014
  • 2013, 1, 49, 51, May 2013
  • 1122, 60, 63, Jun. 2007
  • 58, 6, 66, 73, Jun. 2004
  • 34, 9, 20, 23, Feb. 2004
  • 26, 4, 12, 14, Jul. 2002
  • 447, 5, 11, Dec. 2001
  • 421, 38, 41, Nov. 2001
  • 394, 28, 32, Jul. 1999


  • 29 Feb. 2024
  • 01 Mar. 2023
  • 16 Dec. 2021
  • Apr. 2019
  • Mar. 2019
  • Apr. 2016
  • Jul. 2015
  • Mar. 2014
  • Feb. 2009
  • Feb. 2007
  • Jul. 2005


  • 15K12799, Datebase construction of the border economic zone in Shikoku, This research focuses on the "border economic zone" between prefectures in the Shikoku region. The mountainous settlements in Shikoku have a wide trade area where local people have used mountain roads. In addition, the mountainous villages have formed a single area of life economy by various exchanges such as agriculture, forestry, education, and marriage. Today, mountainous villages are faced by serious depopulation problems. If local people could take advantage of these areas effectively, the economic base would be established and population would also increase. As the result of the study, economic conditions related to the border area were made clear, and there was a cross-border living economic areas were revealed.
  • 15K01948, Regional management by joining migration policy and stay tourism, This study focuses on the possibility of regional management by combining stay tourism and migration policy. Although there are not many tourist tours in general compared to general tourism, they are gradually established. As a result of evaluating migration policies so far and conducting various surveys, it has become clear that stay tourism and migration can relate to lifestyle and daily life as key concepts. In addition, areas where migrants are creating new businesses and creating diversity were activated, and new regional management styles were established.
  • 15K01944, Community-based tourism development and knowledge management, This work attempts to make the reason clear why community development is needed for tourism development in the case study of Yufuin Onsen. The community development in Yufuin consists three phases as follows 1.develop unique feature of a community 2.develop human-relationship for innovation 3.develop competitive power in tourism market. This work propose “Yufuin- model” combining these 3 phases.
  • 23K11654
  • JP23K11654



  • 2022, 公共政策とは、さまざまな社会の課題に対して、公的部門が中心となり多くの主体と連携して解決策を立案し実行するプロセスである。こうした公共政策の根幹を理解できるよう、体系や制度について学ぶ。その上で、実際の公共政策形成や制度の運用、先進事例や観光まちづくりの事例もみていき、これからの時代の中での公共政策について考えていく。
  • 2022, 1年次前期の必修となる本科目では、観光まちづくり学部での学習を始めるにあたり、大学における主体的な学修の方法を理解し、基礎的な学修能力を身につけることを目的とする。|具体的には、初歩的なアカデミックスキルとして、文献検索・引用の作法や、論理的な記述方法に基づいたレポートの作成方法を修得する。また、 他者と協働して課題に取り組むためのディスカッションやプレゼンテーシ ョンの作法について、観光やまちづくりにかかわる課題を通して実践的に身につける。
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023, 公共政策とは、さまざまな社会の課題に対して、公的部門が中心となり多くの主体と連携して解決策を立案し実行するプロセスである。こうした公共政策の根幹を理解できるよう、体系や制度について学ぶ。その上で、実際の公共政策形成や制度の運用、先進事例や観光まちづくりの事例もみていき、これからの時代の中での公共政策について考えていく。
  • 2023, 1年次前期の必修となる本科目では、観光まちづくり学部での学習を始めるにあたり、大学における主体的な学修の方法を理解し、基礎的な学修能力を身につけることを目的とする。|具体的には、初歩的なアカデミックスキルとして、文献検索・引用の作法や、論理的な記述方法に基づいたレポートの作成方法を修得する。また、他者と協働して課題に取り組むためのディスカッションやプレゼンテーシ ョンの作法について、観光やまちづくりにかかわる課題を通して実践的に身につける。



  • Public Policy Studies Association, Japan


  • 01 Apr. 2024, 9999, 杉並区, 都市計画審議会委員
  • 01 Aug. 2019, 9999, 観光庁, 広域周遊観光促進専門家派遣事業専門家
  • Jun. 2018, 9999, 一般社団法人日本観光研究学会, 理事
  • Jul. 2017, 9999, 内子町役場, 内子町歴まち計画策定委員会委員
  • Apr. 2012, 9999, 公益財団法人日本交通公社, 温泉まちづくり研究会研究アドバイザー
  • Apr. 2011, 9999, 大分県庁, 大分ツーリズム大学チューター

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