Historic Preservation and Community Revitalization in the USA: The Main Street Program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation in the USA, Yukio Nishimura, Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA) Papers, vol.5, 109, 121, Jan. 2001, Akiko Umezu, Yukio Nishimura
A Study on New York City's Preservation System, Yukio Nishimura, Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA) Papers,, vol.5, 25, 40, Jan. 2001, Aya Kubota, Yukio Nishimura
66巻, 539号, 203, 208, Jan. 2001, 窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
66巻, 539号, 195, 201, Jan. 2001, 窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
65巻, 537号, 227, 233, Nov. 2000, 梅津章子、西村幸夫
65巻, 537号, 211, 218, Nov. 2000, 岡崎篤行、西村幸夫
35巻, 715, 720, Oct. 2000, 窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
224号, 79, 85, Apr. 2000, 窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
64巻, 520号, 279, 285, Jun. 1999, 梅津章子、西村幸夫
62巻, 492号, 215, 222, Feb. 1997, 鳥海基樹、西村幸夫
452巻, 177, 186, Oct. 1993
452巻, 165, 176, Oct. 1993
444巻, 105, 114, Feb. 1993
422巻, 53, 67, Apr. 1991
81巻, 9号, 81, 90, Sep. 1990
81巻, 8号, 87, 99, Aug. 1990
81巻, 7号, 81, 90, Jul. 1990
79巻, 12号, 69, 90, Dec. 1988
79巻, 11号, 83, 99, Nov. 1988
358巻, 65, 74, Dec. 1985
351巻, 38, 47, May 1985
340巻, 101, 110, Jun. 1984
Sep. 1983
312巻, 109, 114, Feb. 1982, 渡辺定夫、 西村幸夫
277, 282, Nov. 1980
337, 342, Nov. 1979
Feb. 1979
53巻, 3号, 1239, 1246, Oct. 2018, 石山千代、窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
83巻, 750号, 1469, 1476, Aug. 2018, 濱田愛、中島直人、西村幸夫
52巻, 3号, 1218, 1225, Oct. 2017, 柏原沙織、藤岡麻理子、鈴木伸治、窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
52巻, 3号, 365, 372, Oct. 2017, 西川亮、中島直人、中林浩、西村幸夫
82巻, 740号, 2637, 2647, Oct. 2017, 石山千代、窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
82巻, 740号, 2609, 2617, Oct. 2017, 矢吹剣一、黒瀬武史、西村幸夫
82巻, 740号, 2597, 2607, Oct. 2017, 西川亮 、中島直人、 窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
82巻, 740号, 2609, 2617, Oct. 2017, 矢吹剣一、黒瀬武史、西村幸夫
82巻, 736号, 1475, 1484, Jun. 2017, 西川亮、中島直人、窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
51巻, 3号, 328, 335, Oct. 2016, 石山千代、窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
51巻, 3号, 1160, 1167, Oct. 2016, 西川亮、中島直人、窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
81巻, 728号, 2207, 2215, Oct. 2016, 江島知義、西村幸夫、窪田亜矢
50巻, 3号, 1266, 1272, Nov. 2015, 高梨遼太郎、黒瀬武史、窪田亜矢、中島伸、西村幸夫
50巻, 3号, 800, 807, Nov. 2015, 西川亮、窪田亜矢、中島直人、西村幸夫
80巻, 710号, 895, 905, Apr. 2015, 西川亮、西村幸夫、窪田亜矢
80巻, 709号, 677, Mar. 2015, 北川貴巳、黒瀬武史、窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
Cultural Space Retaining an Identity of the Historic Town: A Case Study of Taiping Town in Rerak, Malaysia, Yukio Nishimura, 233, 252, 2015, Lee Yoke Lai、 Aya Kubota、Yukio Nishimura
Formation of city-lake integrated urban morphology in Hangzhou; a historical Study on the new market plan in lakefront district in the early modern times, Yukio Nishimura, 38巻, 12号, Dec. 2014, Hu Shulan、Yukio Nishimura
49巻, 3号, 843, 848, Oct. 2014, 黒瀬武史、西村幸夫
49巻, 1号, 47, 52, Apr. 2014, 矢吹剣一、西村幸夫、窪田亜矢
47巻, 3号, 691, 696, Oct. 2012, 鈴木亮平、西村幸夫、窪田亜矢
47巻, 3号, 613, 618, Oct. 2012, 松井大輔、窪田亜矢、西村幸夫
46巻, 3号, 217, 222, Nov. 2011, 松井大輔、窪田亜矢、西村幸夫、鈴木伸治
46巻, 3号, 727, 732, Nov. 2011, 阿部正隆、西村幸夫、窪田亜矢
76巻, 667号, 1659, 1666, Sep. 2011, 関谷進吾、遠藤新、前田英寿、西村幸夫
45.3巻, 103, 108, Oct. 2010, 西川亮、西村幸夫、窪田亜矢
2巻, 21, 30, Mar. 2009, 岡村祐、野原卓、西村幸夫
43.2巻, 50, 57, Oct. 2008, 鈴木智香子、北沢猛、西村幸夫
42.3巻, 427, 432, Oct. 2007, 今村洋一、西村幸夫
42.1巻, 57, 62, Apr. 2007, 今村洋、西村幸夫
71巻, 610号, 117, 124, Dec. 2006, 関祐也、西村幸夫、北沢猛、窪田亜矢、遠藤新、村上顕人
55巻, 88, 93, Oct. 2006, 義平真心、西村幸夫
71巻, 604号, 85, 91, Jun. 2006, 阿部大輔、西村幸夫
40.3巻, 823, 828, Oct. 2005, 岡村祐、北沢猛、西村幸夫
70巻, 589号, 137, 144, Mar. 2005, 坂本圭司、西村幸夫
69巻, 584号, 83, 90, Oct. 2004, 坂本圭司、西村幸夫
39.2巻, 15, 24, Oct. 2004, 垣内恵美子
38.3巻, 907, 912, Nov. 2003, 田中暁子、西村幸夫、北沢猛
68巻, 563号, 221, 228, Jan. 2003, 坂本圭司、西村幸夫
37巻, 445, 450, Nov. 2002, 荒俣桂子、西村幸夫、北沢猛
37巻, 541, 546, Nov. 2002, 阿部大輔、西村幸夫、北沢猛
67巻, 557号, 241, 248, Jul. 2002, 中島直人、西村幸夫
67巻, 551号, 205, 212, Feb. 2002, 佐野雄二、岡崎篤行、高見澤邦郎、西村幸夫
36巻, 229, 234, Oct. 2001, 中島直人、西村幸夫、北沢猛
36巻, 193, 198, Oct. 2001, 堀崎真一、北沢猛、西村幸夫
36巻, 235, 240, Oct. 2001, 石川千代、北沢猛、 西村幸夫、窪田亜矢
Urban Design Study for New District Development Toward the Maintenance of Qualities and Uniqueness of City - the Case of Tu Liem District, Hanoi City, Yukio Nishimura, Selected Papers from the 6th International Congress of Asian Plannig Schools Association (APSA), Vol.6a, 317, 327, Feb. 2001, Thuy Loan Pham,Yukio Nishimura
Urban Design Study for Tu Liem District: Hanoi City, Yukio Nishimura, Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA) Papers, vol.5, 245, 265, Jan. 2001, Pham Thuy Loan, Yukio Nishimura
63巻, 504号, 147, 153, Feb. 1998, 李政炯、西村幸夫
32巻, 13, 18, Nov. 1997, 李政炯、西村幸夫
62巻, 496号, 125, 130, Jun. 1997, 張松、西村幸夫
31巻, 631, 636, Nov. 1996, 宮脇勝、 西村幸夫
31巻, 721, 726, Nov. 1996, 島倉孝之、 西村幸夫
30巻, 493, 498, Nov. 1995, 宮脇勝、西村幸夫
30巻, 277, 282, Nov. 1995, 三島伸雄、西村幸夫
Urban Traditions in Asia and their Preservation, Yukio Nishimura, Journal of Seoul Studies, vol.4, 187, 196, Feb. 1995, The Institute of Seoul Studies
59巻, 466号, 123, 132, Dec. 1994, 宮脇勝、 西村幸夫
29巻, 193, 198, Nov. 1994, 木下光、西村幸夫
Toward an Environment Facilitating Human Behavior and Movement - an Approach to Evaluation and Manipulation of Pedestrian Space by Simulation Modeling Yeh,A.G-O, et al. eds. Planning for a Better Urb, Yukio Nishimura, (APSA Selected Papers)Ashgate, Aldershot,2000, vol.2, Jan. 1994, Asian Planning Schools Association, Baozhe Hu,Yukio Nishimura,Sadao Watanabe
28巻, 433, 438, Nov. 1993, 菅野博貢、西村幸夫、ヨングタニット・ピモンサティアン
A Study of Pedestrian-Oriented Improvement of Commercial Areas in Beijin and Tokyo - Improvement Strategies/Effect and the Relations with Physical Constituents of Shopping Streets, Yukio Nishimura, 28巻, 733, 738, Nov. 1993, Baozhe Hu, Yukio Nishimura, Sadao Watanabe
「The Recent Shophouses Guidelines in Bangkok Conservation Area and the Shophouse Owners' Reactions - A Case of Ban Rung Muang Street」, Yukio Nishimura, 28巻, 553, 558, Nov. 1993, Yongtanit Pimonsatean、 Yukio Nishimura
28巻, 241, 246, Nov. 1993, 栗林久美子、西村幸夫
Housing in Central Hanoi, Yukio Nishimura, HABITAT INTERNATIONAL, vol.15, No.1/2, 101, 126, Jan. 1992, Hoang Huu Phe、Yukio Nishimura
The Feature of a Commercial Place in Bangkok Conservation Area and Proposed Pedestrian Way for Improvement, Yukio Nishimura, 26巻, 871, 876, Nov. 1991, Yongtanit Pimonsatean、Yukio Nishimura
Historical Environment and Housing Conditions of the Central Hanoi, Yukio Nishimura, 24巻, 409, 414, Nov. 1989, Hoang Huu Phe、Yukio Nishimura
79巻, 10号, 85, 99, Oct. 1988
79巻, 9号, 87, 100, Sep. 1988
349巻, 56, 68, Mar. 1985, 福川裕一、西村幸夫
73, 78, Nov. 1981
;;;;;, 1743, 28, 35, 20 Nov. 2020, Architectural Institute of Japan
Kenzo Tange’s “Lumbini Sacred Garden -Birthplace of Buddha” through the process as the UN project, Mori Tomoko;Kurose Takefumi;Nishimura Yukio, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 55, 3, 1304, 1309, 25 Oct. 2020, The City Planning Institute of Japan,
This paper aims to reconsider Kenzo Tange’s “Lumbini Sacred Garden -Birthplace of Buddha” through the process as the United Nation’s project. The research method is based mainly on the reports’ review in order to understand its very early stage, especially from the United Nations Archives and the ex-stuffs of Kenzo Tange & Urtec at those days. The study divided the early stage into three stages, 1)the project framing period, 2)the period of design outline by Kenzo Tange and 3)the final design period, and focused on the 1st and 2nd period. As a result, the study clarified that the Kenzo Tange’s “Lumbini Sacred Garden -Birthplace of Buddha” was a part of the regional master plan in the UN mission report (Kobe report) in 1968. It also clarified the planning intention of the framework through the original idea of design before Kenzo Tange.
Humanities Center Booklet, 11, 5, 20, 20 Jul. 2021
;;;;;, 1743, 28, 35, 20 Nov. 2020, Architectural Institute of Japan
30 Aug. 2021
May 2021
30 Aug. 2020
05 Jul. 2019
Feb. 2020
Jan. 2019
No.693, 12, 14, Dec. 2016
No.230, 58, 59, Jun. 2016
vol.107, No.6, 54, 60, Jun. 2016
No.100, 発行100号記念号, 9, 12, Nov. 2014
No.41, 46, 47, Jan. 2014
vol.27, No.1, 19, 21, Sep. 2013
No.18, 6, 11, Jan. 2013
No.893, 10, 14, Feb. 2012
No.10, 19, 22, Jan. 2012
No.577, 4, 8, Oct. 2011
vol.35, No.4, 2, 5, Jul. 2011
No.601, 32, 36, Mar. 2011
No.601, 47, 51, Jan. 2011
No.600, 55, 59, Dec. 2010
No.299, 52, 56, Nov. 2010
No.598, 48, 52, Oct. 2010
No.597, 57, 61, Sep. 2010
No.596, 34, 38, Jul. 2010
No.595, 34, 37, Jun. 2010
No.594, 39, 42, May 2010
No.593, 41, 44, Apr. 2010
No.25, 3, 10, Dec. 2009
No.24, 12, 17, Oct. 2009, 西村幸夫、中島直人
No.23, 59, 59, Jul. 2009
No.23, 3, 10, Jul. 2009
vol.58, No.2, 4, 5, Feb. 2009
vol.22, No.3, 34, 36, Dec. 2008
No.21, 3, 10, Dec. 2008
vol.69, No.4, 37, 39, Oct. 2008
No.21, 90, 93, Sep. 2008
No.20, 92, 93, Sep. 2008
vol.38, No.1, 2, 8, Jul. 2008
vol.99, No.7, 48, 54, Jul. 2008
No.19, 104, 105, Jun. 2008
vol.15, 15, 16, Apr. 2008
No.225, 4, 7, Apr. 2008
No.18, 102, 103, Apr. 2008
No.18, 3, 10, Apr. 2008
vol.14, 15, 16, Jan. 2008
No.17, 98, 99, Jan. 2008
vol.13, 17, 18, Oct. 2007
No.245, 28, 33, Oct. 2007
No.16, 91, 98, Oct. 2007
No.16, 106, 107, Oct. 2007
19, 20, Aug. 2007
vol.12, 17, 18, Jul. 2007
No.15, 108, 109, Jul. 2007
277, 281, May 2007
vol.11, 11, 12, Apr. 2007
No.14, 3, 10, Apr. 2007
No.14, 106, 107, Apr. 2007
No.511, 8, 13, Apr. 2007
vol.40, No.40, 58, 60, Apr. 2007
vol.5, No.1, 13, 18, Feb. 2007
vol.10, 19, 20, Jan. 2007
No.13, 92, 93, Jan. 2007
vol.9, 13, 14, Oct. 2006
vol.36, No.2, 2, 7, Oct. 2006
vol.67, No.3, 86, 89, Sep. 2006
No.12, 3, 10, Sep. 2006
vol.8, 13, 14, Jul. 2006
No.11, 56, 59, Jun. 2006, 西村幸夫、岡村祐
vol.7, 15, 16, Apr. 2006
vol.35, No.1, 8, 11, Apr. 2006
No.10, 3, 10, Apr. 2006
89, 94, Mar. 2006
vol.58, No.3, 35, 49, Mar. 2006
vol.6, 13, 14, Jan. 2006
vol.69, No.2, 118, 121, Oct. 2005
No.7, 12, 15, Jul. 2005
vol.34, No.4, 31, 34, Apr. 2005
vol.34,, No.4, 39, 40, Apr. 2005
Rethinking the notion of setting in changing landscape, Yukio Nishimura, vol.15, No.1, 12, 15, Jan. 2005
vol.120, No.1527, 12, 13, Jan. 2005
No.51, 4, 46, 2005
No.2, 6, 9, 2005
No.4, 67, 81, Oct. 2004, 西村幸夫、中島直人、野原卓、花沢信太郎 ほか
No.384, 37, 42, Oct. 2004
vol.18, No.2, 18, 22, Sep. 2004
14, 22, Aug. 2004, 岡村祐、西村幸夫
No.3, 51, 66, Jul. 2004, 西村幸夫、中島直人、野原卓、池田祥 ほか
vol.58, No.7, 11, 18, Jul. 2004
4, 7, May 2004
07 Apr. 2004
No.2, 101, 114, Mar. 2004, 西村幸夫、中島直人、岡村祐 ほか
vol.33, No.3, 2, 5, Jan. 2004
No.20, 6, 11, Jan. 2004
No.1, 45, 65, Oct. 2003, 西村幸夫、中島直人、岡村祐 ほか
vol.48, No.9, 98, 103, Sep. 2003
vol.48, No.8, 59, 65, Aug. 2003
vol.94, No.7, 3, 15, Jul. 2003
vol.464, 47, 52, May 2003
vol.88, No.3, 19, 21, Mar. 2003
vol.57, No.2, 14, 19, Feb. 2003
vol.458, 1, 5, Nov. 2002
vol.31, No.3, 16, 22, Jan. 2002
No.3, 58, 65, Jul. 2001
Outreach, Networking, and Incorporation - Three notions of current Machizukuri in Japan with special reference to Setagaya Machizukuri Fund, Yukio Nishimura, Building Cultural Diversity Through Participation: Proceedings, 272, 281, 28 May 2001, Council for Cultural Affairs, The Executive Yuan, Matzu & Taipei,, Yukio Nishimura、Keiko Aramata
vol.55, No.648, 55, 60, Jan. 2001
185号, 3, 9, 2001
Urban Conservation Measures in Foreign Cities, Yukio Nishimura, 444号, 35, 38, Sep. 2000
5巻, 11号, 797, 801, 2000
vol.483, 16, 21, Dec. 1999
vol.29, No.1, 65, 68, Jul. 1999
No.636, 41, 46, Jul. 1999
No.18, 136, 138, Dec. 1998, 北沢猛、西村幸夫
No.12, 108, 113, Dec. 1998
vol.28, No.2, 9, 16, Oct. 1998
29 Jul. 1998
No.381, 13, 17, Jun. 1998
No.213, 39, 42, Jun. 1998
Thinking of Even-changing Marunouchi Distict, Yukio Nishimura, 312, 15, 19, 1998
No.57, 57, 62, 1998, 川西崇行、水谷宏杉、西村幸夫、北沢猛、鈴木伸治 遠藤新
No.12, 86, 89, Dec. 1997
vol.88, No.11, 63, 71, Nov. 1997
No.616, 44, 47, Nov. 1997
vol.30, No.7, 18, 21, Jul. 1997
vol.112, No.1400, 28, 29, Jan. 1997
Urban Waterfront Development Patterns: A Critical Review, Yukio Nishimura, Journal of the Graduate School and Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (B), vol.XLIV, No.2, 89, 126, 1997, University of Tokyo, Bijaya Krishna Shrestha、Yukio Nishimura
vol.71, No.13, 7, 16, Nov. 1996
No.5, 63, 70, Oct. 1996
No.397, 34, 39, Oct. 1996
vol.41, No.8, 72, 77, Aug. 1996
vol.41, No.7, 94, 99, Jul. 1996
vol.41, No.5, 83, 88, May 1996
vol.41, No.4, 94, 99, Apr. 1996
vol.41, No.2, 84, 89, Feb. 1996
No.1, 200, 205, Feb. 1996
vol.41, No.1, 106, 111, Jan. 1996
vol.49, No.11, 7, 14, Nov. 1995
vol.40, No.11, 84, 91, Nov. 1995
vol.40, No.10, 84, 89, Oct. 1995
vol.40, No.9, 110, 114, Sep. 1995
No.196, 47, 51, Sep. 1995
18, 23, Aug. 1995
129, 131, Aug. 1995
vol.40, No.8, 98, 103, Aug. 1995
vol.40, No.6, 86, 91, Jun. 1995
No.194, 71, 76, May 1995
vol.10, 1, 4, May 1995
vol.4, No.5, 94, 99, May 1995
No.24, 68, 72, Mar. 1995
vol.40, No.3, 110, 114, Mar. 1995
vol.40, No.2, 102, 107, Feb. 1995
Study on Historic Preservation in Italy -Development of Landscape Planning-, Yukio Nishimura, Journal of the Graduate School and Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (B), vol.XLIII, No.2, 235, 250, 1995, The University of Tokyo, Masaru Miyawaki、 Yukio Nishimura
vol.39, No.12, 64, 69, Dec. 1994
vol.39, No.10, 28, 32, Oct. 1994
Urban Traditions in Asia and Their Preservation, Yukio Nishimura, 94 Seoul International Symposium on City and History, 229, 235, Oct. 1994, 94 Seoul International Symposium on City and History
vol.39, No.9, 96, 100, Sep. 1994
No.23, 146, 156, Sep. 1994
vol.85, No.5, 25, 34, May 1994
Conservation of Old Bangkok and Early Shophouses, Yukio Nishimura, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (B), vol.17, No.3, 239, 260, Mar. 1994, University of Tokyo, Yongtanit Pimonsatean、 Yukio Nishimura
No.340, 88, 95, Feb. 1994, 西村幸夫、 鈴木伸治、鳥海基樹、栗林久美子
vol.23, No.1, 27, 31, Jul. 1993
vol.9, 32, 35, Apr. 1993
No.19, 219, 226, Mar. 1993
No.44, 64, 73, Mar. 1993
No.113, 56, 60, Nov. 1992
11, 13, Aug. 1992
No.533, 22, 30, Mar. 1991
No.315, 18, 23, Dec. 1990
No.163, 38, 44, Apr. 1990
vol.104, No.1290, 42, 43, Sep. 1989
No.97, 3, 10, Mar. 1988
No.147, 79, 81, Sep. 1987
Developments of Historic Environment Conservation Movements in Japan, 1950-1985, Yukio Nishimura, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Traditional Dwellings and Life-styles, Jul. 1987
Townscope Conservation and Community Development in Hida-Furukawa, , 1987, Japan National Trust
vol.5, No.3, 16, 21, Mar. 1986
No.68, 39, 43, Dec. 1985
No.48, 183, 188, Mar. 1985
No.217, 3, 10, Oct. 1984
No.62, 63, 69, Jun. 1984
No.56, 58, 62, Jul. 1982
vol.69, 95, 103, Mar. 1981, 川島宏、福川裕一、西村幸夫、山中知彦、谷垣洋行、玉川英則、瀬戸初代、堀池秀人、瀬島明彦、中川とおる、白石俊彦、菊地成明(共著者は年齢順に掲載されている。)
No.18, Nov. 1980, 渡辺定夫、西村幸夫
Apr. 2019
Mar. 2018
Sep. 2004
29 Jan. 2022
16 Mar. 2021
Jul. 2018, 五十嵐敬喜、岩槻邦男、西村幸夫、松浦晃一郎
Feb. 2018
Feb. 2018
Nov. 2017, 五十嵐敬喜、岩槻邦男、松浦晃一郎、西村幸夫監修
Oct. 2017, 野原卓、宮脇勝ほか16名
Aug. 2017, 稲葉信子、西和彦ほか4名
Aug. 2017, ヨングタニット・ピモンサティエン、藤岡麻里子ほか19名。(大半は東南アジア出身の研究者)
May 2017, 西村幸夫、中島伸、永野真義
Feb. 2017, 高梨遼太朗、黒瀬武史、坂本英之、窪田亜矢ほか
Dec. 2016, 五十嵐敬喜、岩槻邦男、松浦晃一郎、西村幸夫監修
Dec. 2016, 西成活裕、森川博之、児玉龍彦、馬場靖憲、福島 智、熊谷晋一郎、西村幸夫ほか
Jun. 2016, 西村幸夫、今井健太郎、江崎君久、山出 保、吉山 治、梅川智也(司会)
Mar. 2016, 各地区ごとに執筆者が異なるため、共著者多数。
Jan. 2016, 各地区ごとに執筆者が異なるため、共著者多数。
Nov. 2015, 五十嵐敬喜、岩槻邦男、松浦晃一郎、西村幸夫
Sep. 2015, 西村幸夫、中島直人、永瀬節治、中島伸、野島 卓、窪田亜矢、阿部大輔(すべて都市デザイン研究室出身の教員・元教員)
08 Oct. 2014, 五十嵐敬喜、岩槻邦男、松浦晃一郎、西村幸夫
10 Mar. 2014, 五十嵐敬喜、西村幸夫、岩槻邦男、松浦晃一郎
06 Feb. 2013
Jun. 2012, 五味文彦、大久保純一ほか8名
Oct. 2011, 西村幸夫、野澤 康、中島直人、沿道新ほか4名。
Aug. 2011, 西村幸夫、埒正浩共編書
Feb. 2011, 西村幸夫、 佐藤滋、大方潤一郎ほか7名共著。
Sep. 2010, 石原武政
Feb. 2009, 岡村祐、野原卓、岡崎篤行、梅宮路子、梅川智也、羽田耕治、三島伸雄、永江寿夫、土井祥子、石山千代含め全18名。
Mar. 2008
Sep. 2007, 西村幸夫、埒正浩共編書
Apr. 2007, 西村幸夫、石塚雅明、木下勇、浅海義治、高見沢実、藤田忍、小林郁雄、岸本幸子(執筆順)
Dec. 2006, 西村幸夫編著、寺田弘、山下馨ほか共著者18名。
May 2006, 淡路剛久、原田正純、除本理史・尾崎寛直・礒野弥生、磯崎博司、、羽山伸一、西村幸夫、塩崎賢明、中村剛治郎・佐無田光、永井進、大久保規子、山下英俊、寺西俊一・除本理史
Nov. 2005
May 2005, 西村幸夫(編著)、宮脇 勝、鳥海基樹、赤坂 信、井川博文、中井検裕、田中暁子、阿部大輔、秋本福雄、坂本圭司、出口敦、中島直人、下村彰男
May 2005, 新造宗幸、小林秀樹ほか6名
Feb. 2005, 西村幸夫、蓑原敬、久保田尚ほか5名
Aug. 2004, 原科幸彦、進士五十八、西村幸夫ほか8名。
Mar. 2004, 西村幸夫、浅野聡、岡崎篤行ほか11名
Feb. 2004, 各県ごとの解説は多数の共著者が担当。三沢博昭写真
Sep. 2003, 各県ごとの解説は多数の共著者が担当。三沢博昭写真
Jun. 2003, 西村幸夫+町並み研究会編著、中島直人、鈴木伸治、小出和郎、山崎正史、北沢猛他15名
May 2003, 西村幸夫、宮崎猛、吉川仁、宮脇勝、福川裕一、花木啓祐。
Mar. 2003, 各県ごとの解説は多数の共著者が担当。 三沢博昭写真。
Oct. 2002, 吉田文和・宮本憲一編。石弘之、西川潤、宇井純、井村秀文、西村幸夫ほか計9名。
Jul. 2002, 国土交通省総合政策局観光部監修
Nov. 2000, 蓑原敬、小川冨由、木下真男、蓑原建、大方潤一郎、吉川富夫、若林祥文、中井検裕、西村幸夫、佐藤滋。
Jul. 2000
Feb. 2000, 西村幸夫+町並研究会編、宮脇勝や坂本秀幸など計12人の共著者
Oct. 1999, 全国町並み保存連盟編、陣内秀信、石川忠臣ほか21名
Democratic Design in the Pacific Rim-Japan, Taiwan, and the United States, Yukio Nishimura, Ridge Times Press, 01 Jan. 1999, Randolph Hester, Walter Hood, Jeffrey Hou, Chu-Joe Hsia, Isami Kinoshita, Laura Lawson, John Liu, Marcia NcNally, Yukio Nishmura, and other leading community designers in the Pacific Rim., Proceedings from the inaugural conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network, featuring essays
Sep. 1997
Feb. 1997
May 1996, 森巌夫、猪爪範子、岡崎昌之、宮口侗廸、西村幸夫(全5名)
Mar. 1996, マヤ・ジャヤパ-ール著、 木下光訳
Mar. 1996, ロナルド・ゲーリー・ナップ著、 菅野博貢訳
Mar. 1996, サリーナ・ヘイズ・ホイト著、 栗林久美子・山内美奈子訳
Mar. 1996, ラモン・マリア・サラゴーサ著、 城所哲夫・木田健一訳
Mar. 1996, ジャック・デュマルセ著、 藤木良明訳、
Jun. 1995
Mar. 1995, 伊藤庸一、浦口醇二、栗林久美子、陣内秀信、鳥海基樹、西村幸夫、光井渉、蓑田ひろ子、三船康道、山谷明、劉武君、伊藤毅、苅谷勇雅、後藤治、高橋康夫、保立道久(16名)
Nara Conference on Authenticity, Yukio Nishimura, UNESCO World Heritage Centre et al, 1995, edted by Knut Einar larsen, Brend von Droste,Jukka Johikiehto, Nobuo Ito, Henry Cleere, Michael Petzet, Francoise Choay, David Lowenthal, Roberto di Stefano, Jimbi Katana, Eratara Tampo, Yukio Nishimuraほか、共著者多数
Jun. 1994
Contemporary Studies in Urban Planning and Environmental Management in Japan, Mar. 1994, 森村道美、高見沢実、浅見泰司、大西隆、山田学、西村幸夫、小出治、太田勝敏、ほか
Contemporary Studies in Urban Planning and Environment Management in Japan (jointly worked), Yukio Nishimura, Kajima Institute Publishing, 1994
1994, 渡辺定夫(編著)、西村幸夫
Nov. 1993, 土田旭、大村虔一、北沢猛、西村幸夫他15名
01 Sep. 1993
Aug. 1993
Jul. 1993, セザール・ギーエン・ヌーニェス著、西山宗雄・泉田英雄訳
May 1993, リチャード・テイラー・フェル著、 安藤徹哉訳
May 1993, マイケル・スミシーズ著 渡辺誠介訳
Apr. 1993, ジャック・デュマルセ著、佐藤浩司訳
Apr. 1993, フィリップ・ギブス著 、泉田英雄訳
Feb. 1992
Community Design and the Civic Trust, Yukio Nishimura, 1991, AMR編、世田谷トラスト協会監修
Thinking of Amenity, Yukio Nishimura, 1989, 木原啓吉、西村幸夫、石本茂、筒井迪夫、秋山紀子、高辻正基、オギュスタン・ベルク他
22H01667, 2022
21KK0077, A study on Regional Planning in the Lumbini area based on protection and utilization of ancient kingdom-related archaeological sites
16H05753, 2017, Study on the restortion and conservation of historic environment of World Heritage Sites in Nepal and reorganization of statutory systems for heritage preservation, The earthquake hit World Heritage sites in Kathmandu valley in April 2015. Along the post desaster reconstruction proces, it became clear that there were no statutory tools to protect area-bsed heritage rather than individual monument.;The study reinforced improvements of legal system for historic conservation and provided local governments with design guidelines for reconstruction of historic houses in the core area of both inscribed World Heritage sites and sites in the tentative list.;Moreover,the study proposed the networking system of Heritage cities in the Kathmandu Valley mobilizing mayors of the cities and improving local ordinances for the resoration and reconstruction of heritage buildings. Also the outcome of the study ennabled local engineers to meet reglarly to share the technical findings and problems of each city and aaplication of the proposed design guidelines with our help and initialives.
16H02382, 2019, Study on Urban Management Strategy after UNESCO Recommentation on Histroric Urban Landscape, This study carried out an investigation for the enforcement of new city planning measures, adopted the UNESCO’s recommendation on historic urban landscape. As a result, it clarified a roadmap for the enforcement of new city planning measures through the following methods; 1)carrying out an investigation in order to clarify the historic value of its urban landscape and to clarify important historic areas, 2)placing such important historic areas into regional plan, 3)deciding on a historic city plan under the Law on the Maintenance and Improvement of Historical Landscape in a Community (known as the Law on Historical Urban Development), and 4)devised a regulation and instruction measure while being accompanied by budget measures as a process.
24404021, Research of integrated preservation planning for scattered Buddhist heritages and their surrounding region, The study clarified following three points mainly by field surveys and literature reviews in Lumbini and its surrounding area including the northern India. 1) The history of Buddhist ruins, 2) the conservation effort and its evaluation through the progress of Kenzo Tange’s master plan in 1970s by United Nations and local regulations such as land-use control and building permission, and 3) the contemporary challenges, which Buddhist ruins have faced. Combining these findings, the study constructed a comprehensive conservation method for the Buddhist ruins and surrounding areas as a conclusion.
24246099, Study on legal and administrative framework improvements in Japan responding to the UNESCO Recommendation on Historic Urban Landscape, According to the UNESCO Recommendation(2011), Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) is not a component of cultural heritages, but one of planning approaches. HUL, therefore, can become a important part of urban planning by incorporating HUL evaluation mechanisms into planning process.;HUL should be considered one of major parts in the Historical and Cultural Masterplan and also plays a crucial role for evaluating local heritage in the Plan for the Maintenance and Improvement of Historic Landscape.
21246092, Study on the integration of planning mechanisms of Heritage Management Act(2008) and Landscape Act(2004), In order to ingegrate Lndxcape Plan, which is defined by the Landscape Act(2004), Heritage Manegement Planintroduced by the Heritage Manegiment Act(2008) and Heritage and Culture Master Plan proposed and prolellsd by the Agency of Cultural Affaifs, it is necessary to promote the following things ;(1) plannning oesources in the fielr of landscape, heritage and culture should be scrutinized in a inegreated manner with help of general public involved in the process,(2) project review processin planning
19360272, Comparative study of Japan and France on the conformity between landscape conservation and economic development
18360284, Study on planning methodology for landscape control plan based on Landscape Act 2004
16089205, Reconstruction of historic garden and natural environment for the conservation of cultural landscapes in the historic site affected by volcanic eruption, We studied the process of natural environmental changes at volcanic areas in Vesuvius, Italy, Mt. Pinatubo, the Philippines, and Miyake Island, Japan.;Firstly, we clarified the type of wood which was used for Roman buildings at the excavation site. We found many building materials made by chestnut. In southern Europe, chestnut was not popular as a building material. It seems that chestnut trees were climatically suitable at that time in the Vesuvius area, and that chestnut was used both for food and timber. Thus, chestnuts trees could form the cultural foundation for this area.;Secondly we analyzed the landform features and environmental changes. Large-size pots were found in the excavation site called "Area 12" in the Vesuvius area. These pots with grape seeds were used for wine production. In order to produce wines, it was necessary to ensure the water source. We recognized that Mount Somma watershed located at the upper reaches of the excavation sites are extremely high in water recharge capacity and thus nurtured the wine production.;Thirdly, landscape conservation and utilization were discussed. Italy has been well-known in its landscape conservation policy focusing on cultural heritage, particularly traditional rural landscapes. From this point of view, it seems to be important to conserve historical vineyards and to re-evaluate the chestnut cultivation in this region. Conservation and rehabilitation of historic rural landscapes will contribute to the promotion of green tourism.;It is clarified that it took almost 50 years for the recovery of natural environment since the eruption of the Pinatubo volcano. In Miyake Island, it is found that series of small-scale eruptions around 2000 years ago did not affect serious damage to the vegetation.
15360316, Study on Landscape Planning System under the Landscape Act Regime, Since the enactment of the Landscape Act in 2004, it has become the urgent issue to formulate statutory Landscape Plan under the Act. However, there are no specific methods to draw the plan or well accepted methodology to approach the planning system itself. Therefore, it is urgently requested to set up the planning system for the statutory rules and regulations based on the special character of each district.;Long distance view protection can be a compelling clue to that planning, because Japan is unique its dense topographical features such as mountains and seashores.;Furthermore, recent introduction of the cultural landscape concept into the Cultural Properties Protection Act in 2004 triggered the idea to amalgamate the rural landscape into planning control system under the cultural preservation act as well as landscape act.;There is also a strong need to create the participatory approach to the landscape planning.;The ultimate purpose of this study is to set a standard when drafting the statutory landscape plan for local governments
12450241, Study of Suggestiong the Basic Landscape Law, We summarized what we researched on "A suggestion of the Basic Landscape Law" in the 11 following proposals.;1. To legislate the Basic Landscape Law (a tentative name) which makes clear the responsibilities of national government and local governments.;2. To prescribe for making legal landscape plans in the Basic Landscape Law.;3. To extend the subjects of the regulation of the law to the new framework for landscape planning including laying power lines underground and regulating outdoor advertisements and so on.;4. To add "conservation and creation of landscapes" in the provisions of purposes of existing laws relevant to construction, for example, Building Standard Law and City Planning Act.;5. To stipulate in the laws relevant to construction that regulations are national minimums and to administer these principles.;6. To utilize the existing systems, including Special Use District.;7. To designate the important area in order to develop landscape control policies strategically.;8. To provide the regal backing for local landscape ordinances in various cities by the Basic Landscape Law;9. To introduce design review systems.;10. To draft design guidelines.;11. To establish the expertise for urban landscape control and design review.;We are going to publish the whole results of this research as the book entitled " Japanese Landscape Planning" from Gagugei Syupan Sya Co. Ltd. on June 2003.;To sum up these concrete recommendations, they can be grouped into three main proposals, namely, enactment of so-called Basic Landscape Law, integrated landscape control measures by amending conventional statutory means, and detailed proposals for actual betterment of daily landscape.;In particular, regarding the Basic Landscape Law, we reviewed main western legal tools for regulating landscape and streetscape, and proposed tailor-made type of legal regulation of Japanese landscape and streetscape.;These recommendations can be accommodated into the future national regulations for landscape. At the same time, it is necessary to propose hands-on regulatory tools and their improvement for better landscape control in Japan.
09450224, We have conducted a very close comparative study on the landscape control measures in major western countries, namely UK, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, USA and Canada, including study on the actual implementation in several metropolises such as London, Paris, Vienna, Stuttgart, Rome, Boston, San Francisco, Vancouver, Montreal.;We concluded that, one, in most countries, standard city planning mechanism has already prepared detail control affecting townscape and landscape, two, historic preservation is one of the main driving forth to promote design control, three, they have surveyed to compile very minute information regarding each building in the area in order to supply enough information for the design and technical advice to the residents.;In recent years, design control in much wider perspective such as view protection of historic monuments surrounding mountains, and historic farmlands in the suburbs. At the same time, land use plan from the ecological and nature preservation point of view is emerging in some countries like Germany, and coordination between conventional land use plan in a planning mechanism and emerging idea of landscape based land use control becomes one of the most sensitive issues in planning.;In addition to that viewpoint, greater attention is being paid on rural conservation in conjunction with urban skyline control as well as preservation of agriculture.;At the same time, we have conduction interview survey to draw a clearer picture of the public participation mechanism in landscape control. The survey shows that discretional decision about the design control is highly based on the detailed planning control.;Finally, landscape control measures in most countries seems to be a rather experimental stage, though the mechanism they have apply looks standardized.
08041119, Primary Study for Conservation of Historic Buildings and Villages in Bhutan, Field survey of Dzongs, religious facilities, houses and villages was conducted three times. Survey was also made into the actual condition of conservation of historic buildings and circumstances surrounding the procurement of necessary materials. The results of these surveys have been reported as case studies, and the history, construction forms, characteristics and dates of 16 zhongs, 18 religious facilities, 7 vernacular houses and 8 villages are provided. In addition, 8 chapters discussing the historical changes and characteristics of Dzongs, chronology of temples, changes in houses, location of villages and characteristics of their spatial composition, issues related with conservation techniques and the system of preservation have been included in the reported.;The following is a brief summary of the report.;(1) Although the maintenance and repair of Dzongs and major lhakhang are undertaken in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Special Commission on Cultural Affairs, there is no established concept or system concerning the conservation of the value of cultural properties. However, some technical officials are aware of the significance and methods of conserving cultural properties. Moreover, workers like carpenters have sufficient knowledge about traditional methods and are well skilled.;(2) Although temples buildings have been strongly influenced by Buddhist temple architecture of Tibet, unique development and changes have been observed from the 17th century onward with regard to structure, plan and design. Today these temples have become cultural heritage that exhibit characteristics particular to Bhutan.;(3) We succeeded in making a chronological index based on the changes observed on carvings and paintings applied on the brackets.;(4) The houses exhibit design and structural techniques particular to Bhutan. Although it appears than there are many houses in different parts of Bhutan that were built over 100 years ago, there are also many cases in which these houses are being rebuilt. In this respect, immediate measure for their conservation are required.;(5) Topographically, the land is composed of an intricate pattern of mountains and valleys and the microclimate of Bhutan varies much as a result. For this reason there environment of the location of villages in Bhutan is also diverse. Furthermore, characteristics particular to Bhutan can be found in the arrangement of houses and people's perception of boundaries.
07650701, Study on Applicability of Esthetic Zoning to Townscape control, 1.Reviewed rules and regulations, ordinances and pilot projects regarding townscape control in Japan, with particular emphasis on actual implementations and their guidelines;2.With respect to aesthetic zoning and other measures in the United States, clarified the features of Japanese control measures and its strong points and drawbacks.;3.Considered the application of systems into Japanese planning structures, and discussed its applicability and made recommendation about it.
07305057, Study on the Conservation Methodology of Historic Towns in china, 1.Collected conservation plans of 99 designated historic towns in China as a base for future discussions.;2.Classified these 99 historic towns according to their features historical, historic resources background, etc. and reviewed typological planning schemes based on above mentioned classification.;3.Reviewed methods of urban conservation in Japan and other developed countries and discussed its applicability to China.;4.Proposed planning method to apply Chinese historic Towns based upon their category.
05302046, Comprehensive Study on Planning Controls in Historic Towns, Japanese planning controls are based on the surburban detached houses, therefore it is not practical for the set of controls to deal with historic towns where roads are organic and houses are being built in a traditional way. Selected Imaicho, Kashihara city, Nara, as a case, we have found that slant plan e control by front passage, building coverage ratio, window ratio, and building materials restriction in fire protection zones are major obstacles for the promotion of traditional townscape.;We have proposed several ways of relaxing the regulations by substituting other rules in the historic districts such as street edge regulations. We also conduct extensive surver of non-statutory codes such as design guidelines, grant-in-aid, and local ordinances. In particular, several special zonings like aesthetic zones and scenic zones should be paid more attention as relevant tools for regulating streetscape.;We have also studied planning controls for conservation in Western countries such as UK,USA,Germany and France. And some tools such as aesthetic zoning system in the USA,and view protection in UK and USA and fuseaux regulations by the POS in France are considered to have possibility to be applied in Japan.
04650548, Study on Civic Trust based enviroumental design methods, There are six main obstacles to be found in promoting civic design procedures based on the Civic Trust activities in th UK.They are as follows ;;First, environmental education for youngsters are essential to foster the citizens who are to be the leading force for civic trust movements.;Secondly, non profit organisations which may be the main engine to promote civic design movements should be given further previleges such as tax shelter in order to ficilitate their activities.;Thirdly, tax incentives for monetary contribution in general, and tax shelter for individual private donation should be improved.;Fourthly, grant-in-aid of both central and local governments shoud be improved to foster the non profits activities.;Fifthly, community-based small business is important to continue the trust movements and company limited for better community design and/or small comercial activities may be suitable in Japanese context.;And lastly, equal access to the public information is necessary not only for fulfillling citizens' right to know but also for promoting public awareness.
JP21KK0077, A study on Regional Planning in the Lumbini area based on protection and utilization of ancient kingdom-related archaeological sites