Memoris of the Kokugakuin University Museum, 第39輯, 67, 86, 28 Feb. 2023
Relations between Shintoism and Buddhism in the Medieval Mishima Shrine of Izu Province: Based on the Activities of Priests and the Development of Jingu-ji Temple., YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, Annual Report of the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics Kokugakuin University, 15, 74, 91, 30 Sep. 2022, Organization for the Advancement of Research and Development: the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics Kokugakuin University, The purpose of this paper is to discuss the development of the relationship between Shintoism and Buddhism in the Middle Ages, taking the Mishima shrine in Izu Province as a concrete example from the standpoint of research on the history of shrines. Through consideration centered on the organization and analysis of related historical materials, I learned about the so-called "Kenmitsu system" advocated by KURODA Toshio, in which Buddhism, temples, and priests were superior to Shinto worship, shrines, and Shinto priests in the Middle Ages. Although the recognition based on the Shinto priesthood has been permeated, as INOUE Hiroshi pointed out, it is an example of the fact that Shinto priests were dominant and dominant in local big shrines.
The territory of Mishima Shrine in Izu Province: Focusing on its formation and development, YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, Annual Report of the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics Kokugakuin University, 14, 19, 39, 30 Sep. 2021, Organization for the Advancement of Research and Development: the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics Kokugakuin University, The purpose of this thesis is to study the formation and characteristics of Mishima Shrine. Through the organization and analysis of related historical materials, we have learned that in ancient times the shrine was a powerful regional shrine that was worshiped by the imperial court, and since the Middle Ages it was revered by the samurai government. Through his occasional interactions with politicians, he clarified that this was a typical example that reflected the social system.
YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, 20 May 2022
The Purification Rite at the Arami River for the Daijosai in the Edo period, YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, KOKUGAKUIN ZASSHI the journal of kokugakuin university, 120, 11, 183, 203, 15 Nov. 2019, Kokugakuin University
Depends on the ceremony and the Organizational operation for Daijo-sai ritual in Edo period, YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, Annual Report of the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics Kokugakuin University, 12, 47, 70, 30 Sep. 2019, the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics Kokugakuin University
第62号, 211, 233, 01 Mar. 2019
第9号, 25, 54, 31 Mar. 2017
第8号, 37, 74, 31 Mar. 2016
49, 56, 17 Nov. 2015
第238号, 59, 92, 25 Apr. 2015
第5号, 87, 111, 15 Sep. 2012
第226・227合併号, 27, 62, 25 Jul. 2012
第225号, 33, 61, 25 Jan. 2012
第113巻第5号, 18, 32, 15 May 2012
The shrine organization at the Mishima Shrine in Izu Province, YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, 42輯, 67, 92, 01 Mar. 2011
KANNZAKI Noritake, Gods on a journey, YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, Jinja Shinpo, 3534号, 6, 29 Mar. 2021, Jinja Shinposha
YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, 14, 14, 26 Feb. 2021, Kokugakuin Academic Resource Center (Shinto)
TAKANO Toshihiko, Shinto shrine in the Edo Period, YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, KOKUGAKUIN ZASSHI the journal of kokugakuin university, 121, 4, 60, 61, 15 Apr. 2020, Kokugakuin University
YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, 18, 19, 28 Feb. 2020, Kokugakuin Academic Resource Center (Shinto)
YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, Japanese Enthronement Ceremonies, Focusing on Daijōsai, 82, 83, 01 Nov. 2019, Kokugakuin University Museum
YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, 14, 15, 30 Jun. 2019, Kokugakuin Academic Resource Center (Shinto)
第157号, 89, 91, 15 Apr. 2019
YOSHINAGA Hiroaki, Special Exhibition Japanese Swords : Dedicated to the Deities, 64, 65, 22 Jan. 2019, Kokugakuin University Museum
第81巻6号, 68, 81, 01 Jun. 2014, 服部育郎
36, 57, 30 Aug. 2013
113, 121, 30 Aug. 2013