K-ReaD( Kokugakuin University Researcher’s Achievement)

Takaaki DAITO
Organization for the Advancement of Research and Development
Last Updated :2024/12/03



  • 氏名

    Takaaki DAITO



  • Organization for the Advancement of Research and Development, Professor


  • 01 Apr. 2011


  • History of Shinto, Study on Rituals Related to Shinto Deities, 神祇史,神道史,神道,神仏習合,祭礼,祭祀, 日本の神祇をめぐる歴史(神道史)のうち、神仏習合や中世に形成される神道思想とその展開について研究している。具体的には寺院やそこでの儀礼におけるにおける神祇の現れ方や、僧侶が相伝した神道切紙、祓に用いられた中臣祓である。 最近は、仏教の影響によって形成された神祇・神道をめぐる言説を、どのように神社や神職たちが受容し、地域に根づいた神道を形成したのかについて、興味を持っている。



  • Archiving the Collection of Festival Illustrations at Kokugakuin University, Daito Takaaki, HERITEX, 3, 248, 258, 25 Mar. 2020, Research Center for Cultural Heritage and Texts, Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University, Kokugakuin University is one of the Very few universities in the world with a department dedicated to the study of Shinto (the Faculty of Shinto Studies). The Kokugakuin University Museum therefore contains an exhibit room devoted to Shinto, where sources related to Shinto, including its festivals, are displayed. The work of collecting and surveying these Shinto- related sources is the work of the Shinto Museum (the Academic Resource Center within the Organization for the Advancement of Research and Development at Kokugakuin University). The Shinto Museum has intermittently carried out research on illustrations depicting festivals. Most recently, the museum digitized eleven illustrated scrolls and folding screens. An analysis of illustrate of depicting festivals revealed connections with it and modem-day festivals and to the databases and documents of other institutions. In this way, documents, archives, and databases are linked together by the hands of people. Through this work, the sharing contextual and related information about both tangible and intangible  cultural heritage becomes a key task along with the construction of archives. This talk suggests that what we must do in going forward with this work is to clarify what kinds of documents and archives held by other institutions relate to the archives and databases that we ourselves have constructed, and to consider the significance of those connections.
  • 69, 82, Mar. 2013
  • 77, 103, Mar. 2009
  • The origin and composition of the "Nakatomi no Harae" in the Shuni-e ceremony held in Nigatsu-do, Todaiji: an example of the "Nakatomi no Harae" at a Nara Temple, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History, 142, 193, 209, Mar. 2008, This paper uses the texts of the “Nakatomi no Harae” that are part of the Shuni-e ceremony held at Nigatsu-do at Tōdaiji as a means of investigating the origin and composition of this purification ritual. Priests who take part in the Tōdaiji Shuni-e ceremony are called Rengyoshu, and are required to remove all defilement and to purify their minds and bodies so that the ceremony can proceed without hindrance. This is done by means of a ceremony called “Bekka” which is held before the main ceremony, which currently takes place from March 1 through the early hours of March 15. On the last day of the Bekka ceremony, the last day of February, priests called Shushi perform the “Onakatomi no Harae” ceremony. The “Nakatomi no Harae” is also held at various stages in the Bekka ceremony and in the main ceremony. These purification rituals are performed in order to remove the polluted and bad condition. When the Bekka ceremony is under way, “Nakatomi no Harae” is performed at services held morning and night, after washing the face, bathing, and toileting, and before entering the Nigatsu-do everyday when the main ceremony is taking place. The Rengyoshu face their respective protective Buddhas, clap their hands, after which they perform various rites, such as the silent recitation of texts and purification of their bodies with white paper strips called “gohei”. In the “gohei”, the text which is the subject of this study is written on furled paper. In this study, the author found that the “Nakatomi no Harae” consists of four parts: 1) Hōraku for Tōdaiji Hachimangu (Tamukeyama Hachimangu); 2) Rites the same as the “Kashiwade Harae no Daiji” and the “Ise Kashiwade Harae” practised in Shingon Shinto and Shugendo; 3) Purification rituals in the form of self-purification rituals practised in Onmyodō purification rituals; 4) Purification rituals used in prayers for health and longevity that have been influenced by Yoshida Shinto. With the exception of part 2, it was not possible to determine the origins of these parts. However, it is fair to say that the texts of the “Nakatomi no Harae” were formed in their own unique way by amassing rites related to purification rituals with a number of different origins. That is to say, the structure of the “Nakatomi no Harae” is such that after the Hōraku is said for Tōdaiji Hachimangu, three purification rituals, parts 2, 3, and 4, are performed with different origins, such as Shingon Shinto, Onmyodo, and Yoshida Shinto. The creation of the unique forms in the Tōdaiji Shuni-e ceremony through the inclusion of elements from different rituals over time is evident in various parts of the Buddhist service. Even though when viewed from the perspective of the complete Tōdaiji Shuni-e ceremony the “Nakatomi no Harae” is a minor ritual, this study has found that the “Nakatomi no Harae” contains similar characteristics.
  • 3, 259, 291, Dec. 2006


  • 20 May 2023
  • 32, 33, 31 Mar. 2023
  • 32, 11, 11, 25 Mar. 2023
  • Documents Introduction to and Transcription of Miyaji Naokazu`s Holograph Annotation of His Manuscript Copy of Suwa Shintosho(Suwa daimyojin jinpi gohonji daiji), Daito Takaaki, Transactions of Organization for Advancement of Research and Development, 15, 99, 142, 31 Mar. 2023


  • 13 Jul. 2024


  • 30 Nov. 2024, 16 Feb. 2025, 35, 40
  • 3690号, 15 Jul. 2024
  • 13 Jun. 2023, ・笹生衛(解説) ・大東敬明(解説) ・吉永博彰(解説) ・橋本麻里(進行)


  • 22H00005
  • 21H00478
  • 23K20425



  • 2022, 九条家本『延喜式』巻八(東京国立博物館所蔵)を底本とする青木紀元編『祝詞』(おうふう、1975年〈復刻予定〉)を用い、『延喜式』祝詞を読む。|①『延喜式』巻八に収められた祝詞を講読し、それらを通じて祝詞の基本構成、重要語句について説明する。|③祝詞の講読にあわせて、古代神祇令制における国家祭祀の概要やその意義も講じる。|④関連する神道古典についても随時言及することにより、その理解を一層深めるとともに、古代神道史や神道神学・思想を考察する上での基礎力をも涵養する。|⑤随時、本学が有する学術資産にも言及する。
  • 2022, 九条家本『延喜式』巻八(東京国立博物館所蔵)を底本とする青木紀元編『祝詞』(おうふう、1975年〈復刻予定〉)を用い、『延喜式』祝詞を読む。|①『延喜式』巻八に収められた祝詞を講読し、それらを通じて祝詞の基本構成、重要語句について説明する。|③祝詞の講読にあわせて、古代神祇令制における国家祭祀の概要やその意義も講じる。|④関連する神道古典についても随時言及することにより、その理解を一層深めるとともに、古代神道史や神道神学・思想を考察する上での基礎力をも涵養する。|⑤随時、本学が有する学術資産にも言及する。
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023, 九条家本『延喜式』巻八(東京国立博物館所蔵)を底本とする青木紀元編『[新版]祝詞 「延喜式祝詞」本文と訓本』(アーツアンドクラフツ、2022年)を用い、『延喜式』祝詞を読む。|①『延喜式』巻八に収められた祝詞を講読し、それらを通じて祝詞の基本構成、重要語句について説明する。|②祝詞の講読にあわせて、古代の国家祭祀の概要やその意義も講じる。|③関連する神道古典についても随時言及することにより、その理解を一層深めるとともに、古代神道史や神道神学・思想を考察する上での基礎力をも涵養する。
  • 2023, 九条家本『延喜式』巻八(東京国立博物館所蔵)を底本とする青木紀元編『[新版]祝詞 「延喜式祝詞」本文と訓本』(アーツアンドクラフツ、2022年)を用い、『延喜式』祝詞を読む。|①『延喜式』巻八に収められた祝詞を講読し、それらを通じて祝詞の基本構成、重要語句について説明する。|②祝詞の講読にあわせて、古代の国家祭祀の概要やその意義も講じる。|③関連する神道古典についても随時言及することにより、その理解を一層深めるとともに、古代神道史や神道神学・思想を考察する上での基礎力をも涵養する。|⑤随時、本学が有する学術資産にも言及する。
  • 2023, 以下の作業を通じて、神道文化・宗教文化の基本的な知識を修得するとともに、これからの大学生活において必要となる学修方法と学修習慣を身につける。|1.『國學院大學の歴史』のテキストを用いて、國學院大學の建学の精神、歴史、学問の特色を学ぶ。|2. 『プレステップ神道学』・『神道事典』を用いて、神道に関する基礎知識を得る。|3. 國學院大學図書館および國學院大學博物館の利用を通じて、神道文化・宗教文化の自主的な学修方法を身につける。|4. 神道・宗教に関する課題図書・課題論文を読んでリポートを作成し、これから神道文化・宗教文化を専門的に学修する上での基礎学力を身につける。|5. 神道文化・宗教文化に関する発表を通して、クラス内で意見交換を行う。
  • 2023, 神道文化や宗教学に関する文献を講読し、その内容について資料を作成し発表することで、資料・史料やデータの扱い方、それを使った論述方法(発表や論文の作成方法)を身につける。

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