K-ReaD( Kokugakuin University Researcher’s Achievement)

Department of Japanese Literature
Last Updated :2025/02/02



  • 氏名

    Harumi MITSUI



  • 連絡先



  • Department of Japanese Literature, Professor


  • 02 Mar. 2023, 博士(文学), 東北大学, 文学関係(日本語学), 文第325号, 条件表現の方言学的研究
  • 25 Mar. 1986, 文学修士, 東北大学, 文学関係(日本語学), 東京語アクセントの変遷


  • 01 Apr. 2019


  • 現代日本語の地理的社会的変異の研究



  • Tōkyō dialect (Metropolitan area), Harumi Mitsui, Handbook of Japanese Dialects, 15 Jan. 2025, De Gruyter Mouton
  • The structure of diversified language usage in metropolitan Tokyo : Analyses using large-scale database for word accent, Harumi Mitsui, Kanetaka Yarimizu, and Motoei Sawaki, Proceedings of Methods ⅩⅥ, 127, 139, May 2020, Peter Lang


  • 88, 99, Mar. 2016
  • Nov. 2014
  • 2014, 秋, 2, 2, Sep. 2014
  • 115, 2, 43, 68, Feb. 2014
  • Oct. 2013
  • 9, 1, 28, 34, Jan. 2013
  • A linguistic survey of the Tokyo metropolitan area using mobile phones, Yarimizu Kanetaka,MITSUI Harumi, NWAV ASIA-PACIFIC, 2, 81, 81, Aug. 2012
  • 8, 3, 102, 109, Jul. 2012
  • 64, 65, Mar. 2009
  • 4, 4, 132, 134, 01 Oct. 2008
  • 36, 5, 5, Jul. 2008
  • 35, 1, 1, Apr. 2008
  • 74, 75, Mar. 2008
  • 71, 99, Nov. 2007
  • 158, 173, May 2006
  • 21, 42, Mar. 2006
  • 28, 35, Mar. 2003
  • 32, 1, 54, 55, Jan. 2003
  • 25, 34, Dec. 2002
  • 30, 35, Nov. 2002
  • 85, 101, Mar. 2002
  • 別冊, 19, 38, Mar. 2001
  • 64, 75, Jul. 2000
  • 83, 95, Mar. 1998
  • 15, 22, Dec. 1998
  • 15, 3, 98, 102, Mar. 1996
  • 5, 50, 57, Dec. 1995
  • 3, 44, 49, May 1993
  • 125, 172, Mar. 1993
  • 22, 8, 28, 35, Aug. 1993
  • 128, 132, Mar. 1993
  • 69, 127, Mar. 1993
  • 88, 118, Mar. 1992
  • 98, 129, Mar. 1991
  • 26, 13, 42, Mar. 1989
  • 25, 15, 52, Mar. 1988
  • 19, 35, Nov. 1984
  • Oct. 2018


  • Mar. 2017
  • Dec. 2016
  • Mar. 2014
  • Feb. 2014
  • Aug. 2013
  • Sep. 2011
  • Mar. 2011
  • Feb. 2011
  • Sep. 2010
  • Aug. 2009
  • 方言学の技法 (シリーズ方言学4), 小西 いずみ, 三井 はるみ, 井上 文子, 岸江 信介, 大西 拓一郎, 半沢 康, 岩波書店, 20 Dec. 2007
  • Nov. 2007
  • Oct. 2007
  • Aug. 2007
  • Dec. 2006
  • Mar. 2006
  • Nov. 2005
  • Mar. 2004
  • Mar. 2003
  • Jun. 2002
  • Apr. 1999
  • まんが 方言なんでも事典 (まんが国語なんでも事典シリーズ), 三井 はるみ, 金の星社, Mar. 1998
  • Feb. 1994


  • 03 Mar. 2024
  • The structure of diversified language usage in metropolitan Tokyo, MITSUI Harumi, YARIMIZU Kanetaka, SAWAKI Motoei, Methods in Dialectology XVI, 10 Aug. 2017
  • 20 Dec. 2015
  • 23 Feb. 2014
  • A Study of the geographical distribution of lexical variation among younger generation speakers in the Tokyo metropolitan area, MITSUI Harumi,YARIMIZU Kanetaka,KAMEDA Hiromi,KUNO Mariko,TANAKA Yukari, Urban Language Seminar 11, 17 Aug. 2013
  • 02 Jun. 2013
  • 17 Mar. 2013
  • A linguistic survey of the Tokyo metropolitan area using mobile phones, YARIMIZU Kanetaka,MITSUI Harumi, NWAV ASIA-PACIFIC 2, 02 Aug. 2012, Tokyo,Japan(The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
  • 11 Mar. 2012
  • 17 May 2008
  • 04 Mar. 2007
  • 13 May 2006
  • 24 Sep. 2005



  • 23K25332, 2023, Database construction on Japanese folktales and its application to dialectology
  • 23H00635, 2023, Database construction on Japanese folktales and its application to dialectology
  • 25580103, 2013
  • 000000, 2010, The Current States and Changes in the Japanese Spoken in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area
  • 21520494, 2009, Study on Some Grammatical Forms in the Japanese Dialects Derived from their Semantic Contiguity Expressions
  • 13610496, 2001, Recording Endangered Traditional Dialects in Large Cities and Building Electronic Databases
  • 11710230, 1999
  • 07710297, 1995
  • 05710257, 1993
  • 20K00623, 2020
  • 20H00015, 2020
  • 19K00656, 2019
  • 18H00673, 2018, Continuous Research of a lot of People about the Dynamic State of Tokyo Dialect as a Base of Japanese Common Language, While Japanese has expression produced newly, there is also expression which is going to a decline. As for Japanese which shows such a dynamic state, the language of Tokyo serves as a base. Since it is also the language of a capital, the influence on the whole country is not small.;In this research, we solved about the present situation of the language of Tokyo, and the state of the change from the past at the present. The respondents of investigation are a lot of people selected at random. An investigation items are expression considered that Tokyo shows change now.
  • 17K02801, 2017, The Construction of a Participatory Dialect Database as Teaching Materials on Regional Diversity, At eight universities in the Tokyo area, as well as the Kanto, Kansai, Oita, and Tohoku regions, role play conversations in which the participating university students switched roles were recorded. The scenes used were “participant notifies partner that they will be late” and “participant complains of lateness to partner.” Partners who were good friends and of the same sex were paired together and conducted the conversations over the phone. After processing for personal information was completed, the voice data and transcript data for pairs from the same region were published as language data on a website as a “Dialect Roleplay Conversation Database” that can be used in research and education.
  • 16H01933, 2016, Development of a corpus of Japanese dialects and research on dialects using the corpus, The following two points were implemented in this study.;(1)Discourse audio data of dialects from various regions of Japan were compiled. Based on this data, the Corpus of Japanese Dialects (COJADS) was created and released to the public, enabling cross-dialectal searches of various dialects. COJADS is based on the discourse data from the "Emergency Survey of Local Dialects" conducted by the Agency for Cultural Affairs from 1977 to 1985. It is designed to be searched with "Chunagon," a search application developed by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL).;(2)Using COJADS, "Study of Regional Differences in Subject and Object Marking Forms in Various Japanese Dialects" and "Study of Regional Differences in the Usage of the Polite Form ‘desu’" were conducted, providing examples of data-based dialect research.
  • 26244024, Construction of the Methodology and Building a Dictionary of Japanese Dialect Grammar for the Contrastive Study of Language Variation and Change, The main study during this research period was to investigate the inflectional paradigm of predicates in Japanese dialects, which is a part of process to build a dictionary of Japanese dialect grammar that contributes to the comprehensive description from the geographical and historical point of views. The three volumes of report on inflectional paradigm have been published in this period, and the reports cover 38 dialects in main lands and 4 dialects in Ryukyu islands in total, including those published in the previous period.;In addition, the research workshop was held once in a year on the theme of grammatical descriptions of dialects and contrastive studies of Japanese variations. Those workshops aimed to establish a framework that comprehensively describes geographical variations and historical changes in Japanese grammar, and to construct a methodology of the contrastive/comparative study in diachronic and synchronic variations in Japanese.
  • 25370539, A Study on Regional Differences of Discourse Development in Japanese Dialect Role-Play Conversations, We have collected data on role-play conversations in various Japanese dialects. The speaker groups were diversely composed in terms of generation (older/younger), gender (men/women), and hierarchical relationships (senior/peer/junior), and were recorded as they enacted different situations (complaint/request/consolation/persuasion/taking attendance/proposition). By focusing on the contents of speech, approaches to appealing to the other party, and communication strategies, the study analyzes the discourse structure and development of dialectal conversations from the standpoints of regional, generational, gender, situational, and media differences. These data have been made available in the “Japanese Dialect Role-Play Conversation Database.”
  • 25370538, The New Approach to Study Dialect Distribution by Various Types of Dialect Materials, In this study, we created the database of dialect materials collected by various methods (including the non-research purposes) and various language unit (sounds, words, sentences, discourse etc.) mainly in the Kanto and Tohoku region.;We considered the idea and techniques of search method for different types of dialect materials and developed software to create dialect maps by the search of the dialect materials.;Study by different types of dialect materials contributed to discovery of geographic distribution of the new linguistic phenomenon and the theoretical considerations of dialect formation.
  • 25284087, Constructing a speech corpus of Japanese dialects and a research on the dialects using corpora, The purpose of this study is to construct a corpus of Japanese dialects in which various dialects are searchable in the same manner, and to offer new methods for research on dialects using the corpus. First, we examined methods of how to organize the data, using data of dialects from six regions. We figured out that it is effective to construct a corpus where texts of dialects and their translation in standard Japanese are displayed in parallel and also texts and sounds of dialects are searchable in standard Japanese. Second, we built a trial version of the corpus of Japanese dialect, which contains dialect data from 27 regions, and then conducted an analysis of uses of case particles in the corpus. Based on the findings from the analysis, we presented a new analysis of dialects with reference to contexts, and thus, we claim that such a corpus-based study will advance the research on dialects further.
  • 22520484, Study on descriptive model construction of the Japanese dialect onomatopoeia, This research is the creation of; "Japanese dialect onomatopoeia database", the feature of dialect onomatopoeia and the grasp of the distribution actual condition, and the verbal model construction of dialect onomatopoeia which performed the following thing about the onomatopoeia in a Japanese dialect.
  • 21520494, Study on Some Grammatical Forms in the Japanese Dialects Derived from their Semantic Contiguity Expressions, Our subjects of the research are as follows.;the usage of conditional morpheme "gii" and its geo-linguistical distribution in the dialects of Northwestern Kyushu.;the usage of the interjectory particles derived from the personal pronouns of the second person and their geo-linguistical distribution in the dialects of Western part of Japan.;the usages of some grammaticalized forms derived from the citation form "toyuu" and their process of changes in the Tohoku dialects.;By this research a part of the process in which the variations of the grammatical systems was produced became clear.
  • 21520490, Regional Variations in the Use of Interjections in Japanese, There is a variety of expressions which are used as fillers(or interjections) in Japanese dialects. In this research, we compiled natural discourse data of the Osaka, Hiroshima and Kagoshima dialects including transcribed texts, translations in Standard Japanese and notifications, and by using the data and other natural discourse data which have been complied before, we surveyed the formal variety of the fillers in Japanese dialects and their geographical distribution. In addition, we made a preliminary analysis on the semantic characteristics of the fillers in Japanese dialects, focusing on the contextual and sociolinguistic factors.
  • 21320086, Construction of "Comprehensive dictionary of Japanese dialects grammar" and its online edition, In this study, we conducted three different surveys; the linguistic field survey on inflections and complex sentences, the research on folktale corpora of Japanese dialects, and the historical research on variations of inflections. A web-based system was constructed to accumulate and share data collected from research fields. Based on the surveys, we had two presentations on historical/geographical variations of Japanese inflectional morphology, and on geographical variations of conditionals in Japanese. We also contributed two publications, "Data book for the comprehensive dictionary of Japanese dialects grammar, volume 2, inflectional morphology" and "Guidebook for the linguistic field research on complex sentences in Japanese dialects".
  • 19520403, Contrastive Research of for Grammar Dictionary in Japanese Dialects, The aim of this research is to describe the grammatical forms of Japanese dialects in the unified procedures and compile a dictionary to show the whole phenomena of Japanese grammar. We selected some crucial dialects which have distinctive characteristics in reason expressions, conducted field surveys by using the unified common list, and gave accounts of each form. The result of the research was published in book form, "Grammar Dictionary of Japanese Dialects (1) : Reason Expressions", and also, we started up the web site to open it of the research to the public.
  • 18520370, Research on the Dialect Expressions Using Japanese Dialect Database : Comparisons between Older and Younger Speakers
  • 18520346, Study on variations of interaction between respondents in three-party survey interviews
  • 16520285, Comparative Research of Conditional Expressions in Japanese Dialects, The purpose of this research is to analyze the whole aspects of the conditional expressions in modern Japanese by means of investigating the important dialects and comparing or contrasting them, including the standard Japanese, each other as one field of contrastive researches on the grammatical sides of the dialects.;The investigation of the causal expression was completed and 'Nationwide Dialects Grammar Dictionary : Causal Expressions' was made up. The contents of this are below.;1. Summary of the causal expressions;What is the Causal Expressions? / Historical Distribution / Regional Distribution / Causal Conjunctions / Causal Expressions in Tohoku Regions;2, Causal Expressions in the dialects;Investigation Item Lists / Hachinohe Dialect (Aomori Prefecture) /Yamagata Dialect / Narada Dialect(Yamanashi) / Gifu Dialect / Mino Dialect (Gifu) / Toyama Dialect / Kyoto Dialect / Miwacho Dialect (in Miyoshi City, Hiroshima)/Shuri Dialect (Naha City, Okinawa);The investigations of 2 indicate the results below.;(1)Every dialect has a general-purpose form which can express all the basic meanings of the causal expression ; Cause of the event, Reason for the act, Reason of the judgment, and Reason of the remark and the attitude.;(2) Some forms of the dialects have the limitation in use. For example;;・when the main clause is the order and request sentence (GADE/ MONDE in Toyama Dialect);when the mail clause is the predicative sentence (N1 in Gifu Dialect);・the use which doesn't express the reason (GADA/MONDE in Toyama Dialect);・the predication use (SUKE in Hachinohe Dialect, SAKAI in Toyama Dialect, NDE in Kyoto Dialect);・when connected to the guess sentence (SUKE in Hachinohe Dialect, SAKAI in Toyama Dialect, SAIAKNI/SAKAI/ NDE in Kyoto Dialect);the use of sentence final (NI in Gifu Dialect, GAD A/MONDE in toyama Dialect, SHINICHIITEE in Shuri Dialect);The results mentioned above have been opened to the public with the voice data on the following Web sites.;URL ; http://hougen.sakura.ne.jp/
  • 14510456, A study on the change in dialect-code : evidence from ‘Corpus of Japanese Dialects', Dialect was thought to comprise linguistic system in a given society. Today, however, its function is changing from linguistic system into style, which is constrained by various situational factors. A number of codes do exist within an individual ; dialect-code, common-Japanese-code and so on.;This study aimed to clarify a whole picture of language use with a special reference to the frequency of dialect-code, and to that of code-switching between dialect-code and standard-Japanese-code. The differences of interlocutors, situations, and topics were taken into consideration.;A survey was conducted to collect spontaneous speech in service encounters at different types of retail business : department stores, supermarket, and small privately run shops in Kansai area. Transcriptions were made, and database in service encounters become available. Electric version is also available for a quick search.;Actual language use was analysed in each type of retail business, and comparisons between those types were made. Many reports claim that traditional dialectal forms are disappearing amongst younger generation speakers. However, the fact is that dialectal forms are not gone in place of standard Japanese forms; new local speech style (i.e.neo-dialect) emerges as a result. In this way, analyses were made to find the mechanism of change in dialect-code, focusing on the extent of the interference from standard Japanese, Tokyo dialect and Kansai dialect.
  • JP23K25332, Database construction on Japanese folktales and its application to dialectology
  • JP20K00623
  • JP20H00015
  • JP19K00656



  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023, 現代日本語のしくみ,および、日本語学の基本的な用語・概念について概説する。|
  • 2023, 現代日本語のしくみ,および、日本語学の基本的な用語・概念について概説する。
  • 2023, 本授業では、受講者各自が主体的に研究を進めていくための演習を行う。方言を含む現代日本語を対象とした論文を分析的に読み、それをもとに調査研究を実践することを支援するものである。| 現代日本社会で用いられている日本語は共通語だけではない。各地域の方言や、若者ことば、ジェンダー差のあるもの、専門用語など、世代や地域、コミュニティの違いにより、多様性に満ちている。こうした多様な言語実態を把握するためには、データの収集法や分析方法等、研究の方法論を把握し、習得することが必要となる。| 前期は、論文購読を行うことで、研究テーマの設定、資料・データ収集法、分析法など、研究の方法論を学習する。これは後期に各自が行う調査研究の基礎となるものである。
  • 2023, 前期の内容については(日本語学演習ⅢA 渋谷 三井 はるみ 火曜6限)を参照してください。後期の内容については(日本語学演習ⅢB 渋谷 三井 はるみ 火曜6限)を参照してください。
  • 2023, 本授業では、受講者各自が主体的に研究を進めていくための演習を行う。方言を含む現代日本語を対象とした論文を分析的に読み、それをもとに調査研究を実践することを支援するものである。| 現代日本社会で用いられている日本語は共通語だけではない。各地域の方言や、若者ことば、ジェンダー差のあるもの、専門用語など、世代や地域、コミュニティの違いにより、多様性に満ちている。こうした多様な言語実態を把握するためには、データの収集法や分析方法等、研究の方法論を把握し、習得することが必要となる。| 後期は、前期の文献購読で学んだ方法論をもとに、各自がテーマを定めて小調査を実施し、分析結果を報告する。年度末にはその成果をレポートとしてまとめ、提出することで、現代日本語研究の一とおりのプロセスを体得することを目指す。
  • 2023, 国際音声記号(IPA)の枠組みに基づいて日本語音声を捉え、また、自分自身の音声を確認し、発音の聞き取りや記録の練習を行う。|日本語音韻の歴史的変遷や方言などの共時的な変異についても、基本的事項を概説する。
  • 2023, 共通語のアクセントの基盤である東京アクセントを題材に、アクセントのしくみや理論について概説する。あわせて、アクセントの聞き取り、書き取りについて練習する。また、方言アクセントの例として、二型アクセント、京阪式アクセントを取り上げ、方言アクセントに見られる、東京式とは異なる様々なしくみについて概説する。イントネーションとの違いも踏まえながら、アクセントとは何かを考えていく。
  • 2023, 方言研究の出発点として、方言研究に必要な知識や理論がトピック別にまとめられたテキストを読んでいく。日本語の地理的、社会的バリエーションである方言について多角的に捉え、それを通して「ことば」全般についての知見を深める。担当者による発表とそれに対する質疑応答という協同によって学修を深める。
  • 2023, 前期の内容については(日本語学演習ⅠA 渋谷 三井 はるみ 木曜3限)を参照してください。後期の内容については(日本語学演習ⅠB 渋谷 三井 はるみ 木曜3限)を参照してください。
  • 2023, 日本語の地理的、社会的バリエーションである方言について、その内容と研究法を学ぶ。全国の伝統的方言の会話を録音して文字起こしした資料を用いて、そこに見られる各地方言の特徴について詳しく見ていく。各自が方言を分析的に捉える練習をするとともに、担当者による発表とそれに対する質疑応答、また、各発表の調査内容を総合した検討という協同によって学修を深める。

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