The Entering Tang Dynasty and the after of Zenrinji Shuei., 11, 186(1), 166(21), 02 Sep. 2024
The Esoteric Buddhism Study of Zenrinji Shuei(禅林寺宗叡)., 55, 1, 22, 29 Feb. 2024
121, 11, 84, 102, 15 Nov. 2020
121, 11, 84, 102, Nov. 2020
284, 87, 108, Oct. 2020
Book Reviews : FURUICHI Akira, Palace and the Regional Society in the Making Period of State : Reinterpretation of the Kiki and Fudoki, 697, 49, 56, Sep. 2020
251, 265, Aug. 2020
112, 122, 10 Jun. 2020
841, 100, 104, May 2020
6, 119, 138, 10 Mar. 2020
;;;;;;, 6, 139, 152, Mar. 2020
6, 119, 138, Mar. 2020
SATO Nagato, 120, 11, 97, 116, 15 Nov. 2019
The Establishment of the Abdication System and its Development, 120, 11, 97, 116, Nov. 2019
SATO Nagato, 257, 262, 25 Oct. 2019
SATO Nagato, 851, 57, 67, 01 Apr. 2019
851, 57, 67, Apr. 2019
SATO Nagato, 45, 74, 15 Feb. 2019
SATO Nagato, 199, 232, 12 Jun. 2018
Liberal Academic Tradition and an Austere Character, 223, 254, 258, Nov. 2017
Book Reviews : ENDO Midori, Female Monarchs and Abdication in Ancient Japan, 960, 45, 48, Aug. 2017
SATO Nagato, 50, 224, 234, 05 Apr. 2017
50, 224, 234, Apr. 2017
SATO Nagato, 第45巻第3期, 112, 123, 10 May 2015
59, 10, 110, 115, Oct. 2014, Kadokawa
;;, 796, 2, 27, Sep. 2014
SATO Nagato, 59, 10, 110, 115, 23 Aug. 2014
59, 4, 78, 83, Apr. 2014, Kadokawa
SATO Nagato, 59, 4, 78, 83, 24 Feb. 2014
Adaptation of Japan's Advent Mythology and Succession to the Throne around the 8th Century., SATO Nagato, Kokugakuin Zasshi, 114-1, 1, 16, 15 Jan. 2013, Kokugakuin University
Adaptation of Japan's Advent Mythology and Succession to the Throne around the 8th Century, 114, 1, 1, 16, Jan. 2013
SATO Nagato, 57, 7, 114, 120, 01 Jul. 2012
SATO Nagato, 57, 7, 122, 128, 01 Jul. 2012
57, 7, 122, 129, Jul. 2012
57, 7, 114, 121, Jul. 2012
SATO Nagato, 88, 116, 10 Mar. 2012
SATO Nagato, 26, 39, 14 Feb. 2012
260, 287, 15 Nov. 2011
SATO Nagato, 56, 10, 64, 69, 01 Oct. 2011
56, 10, 64, 69, Oct. 2011
Consideration of Theory History about Enchin(円珍)'s Tang Dynasty Studying Abroad., SATO Nagato, Nihon Kiso-Bunka Ronso, 357, 372, 31 Aug. 2010, Yuzankaku
A Theory of Abdication in Ancient Japan., SATO Nagato, KOKUSHIGAKU, 200, 5, 51, 30 Apr. 2010, KOKUSHI-GAKKAI
A theory abdication in ancient Japan, 200, 5, 51, Apr. 2010
SATO Nagato, 371, 393, 20 Mar. 2010
42, 157, 161, 2010
A visit to Ennin's pilgrimage (4) Jiangsu, The Tochigi journal of Japanese history, 23, 84, 115, Mar. 2009
SATO Nagato, 191, 215, 15 Feb. 2009
SATO Nagato, 109-11, 54, 68, 01 Nov. 2008
Symposium: Production and power; occupation and rank: historical studied of the formative process of the social hierarchy, ;;, The Journal of Kokugakuin University, 109, 11, 204, 229, Nov. 2008
Submission relation between the Daioh and the area chiefs in the Kohun Period, The Journal of Kokugakuin University, 109, 11, 54, 68, Nov. 2008
Book reviews: Araki Toshio, A Study of Japanese ancient royal authority, 836, 40, 43, Jan. 2008
Ancient(2)(Japan,Historical Studies in Japan, 2006), SATO Nagato, SHIGAKU ZASSHI, 116, 5, 647, 650, 2007, The Historical Society of Japan
Ancient(2)(Japan,Historical Studies in Japan, 2006), SATO Nagato, SHIGAKU ZASSHI, 116, 5, 647, 650, 2007, The Historical Society of Japan
The Emperor image in“Nihon Ryoiki”, SATO Nagato, 668, 66, 73, 01 Dec. 2005, Azekura Shobo
668, 66, 73, Dec. 2005
The gift and recognition of the sword with inscription, SATO Nagato, 25, 42, 01 Dec. 2004, Yoshikawa Koubunkan
The ancient queen as a historical fact, SATO Nagato, 121, 79, 93, 01 Nov. 2004, Daiwa Shobo
121, 79, 93, 2004
Transition of the “Yamato”Royal Sovereignty., SATO Nagato, 220, 246, 01 Jul. 2002, Yoshikawa koubunkan
Structure and its Development of the Ancient Tenno System, SATO Nagato, Journal of Historical Studies,755, 755, 38, 46, 01 Oct. 2001
755, 38, 46, Oct. 2001
The Development Process of the“Yamato”Royal Sovereignty in the 7th
Century, SATO Nagato, The Transactions of Kokugakuin University,Vol.39, 39, 57, 76, 01 Mar. 2001
Function and Structure of the Council System in the 7th Century, SATO Nagato, 173, 55, 75, 01 Mar. 2001
Function and Structure of the Council System in 7th Century, SATOH Nagato, 173, 55, 75, Mar. 2001
39, 57, 76, 2001
719, 44, 47, Jan. 1999
TORAO Tatsuya, Nihon-kodai no Sangi-sei (Counsellor Institutions in Ancient Japan), Tokyo, 1998., SATO Nagato, SHIGAKU ZASSHI, 108, 2, 225, 235, 1999, The Historical Society of Japan
SATO Nagato, 167, 194, 01 Mar. 1998
SATO Nagato, 90, 64, 73, 01 Feb. 1997
90, 64, 73, Feb. 1997
SATO Nagato, 4, 33, 01 Jul. 1996
;;, 105, 5, 647, 688, May 1996
Japan : Ancient 2 (Historical Studies in Japan,1995), SATO Nagato, SHIGAKU ZASSHI, 105, 5, 41, 46, 1996, The Historical Society of Japan
Japan : Ancient 2 (Historical Studies in Japan,1995), SATO Nagato, SHIGAKU ZASSHI, 105, 5, 41, 46, 1996, The Historical Society of Japan
SATO Nagato, 661, 1, 17, 01 Aug. 1994
661, p1, 17,64, Aug. 1994
SATO Nagato, 153, 53, 95, 01 May 1994
153, p53, 95, May 1994
;, 151, p1, 15, Dec. 1993
SATO Nagato, 1, 136, 167, 01 Nov. 1993
SATO Nagato, 540, 22, 38, 01 May 1993
540, p22, 38, May 1993
SATO Nagato, 16, 1, 14, 01 Mar. 1991