The Total Amount of Tourism Consumption and Its Economic Impact in Japan, Hosono Koichi;Shioya Hideo, The Tourism Studies, 7, 2, 21, 28, 1996, Japan Institute of Tourism Research, In this study, the importance of tourism market in Japan, which has been pointed out vaguelly in general terms, is evaluated numerically, based on the actual data of the consumption side. Both the total amount and the components of the market are seized and assumed, and then, through the I/O analysis method, the multiple impact is estimated. ・The tourism consumption reached to 24.6 trillion yen in 1991 (15.6 trillion yen for domestic tour, 5.7 trillion yen for overseas tour, 3.3 trillion yen for the expenditure before and after the trip.) The consumption concerning domestic industory occupies 20 trillion yen. ・The multiple impact of 20 trillion yen is estimated as follows, 48.3 trillion yen on the output, 24.6 trillion yen on the profits, 4.3 million people on the employment, 5.6 trillion yen on the tax income. Each multiple impact occupies 5-6% in Japan.