K-ReaD( Kokugakuin University Researcher’s Achievement)

Ming LIU
Department of Tourism and Community Development
Research Associate
Last Updated :2023/12/01



  • 氏名

    Ming LIU



  • Department of Tourism and Community Development, Research Associate


  • 01 Jul. 2014, 学士(工学), 北京林業大学, 工学関係, 100221201405002320, 国際園芸博覧会園地の可持続的利用研究
  • 30 Jun. 2016, 修士(専業), 北京林業大学, 工学関係, 100221201602000833, 四川地区山地地域性景観設計初探
  • 23 Mar. 2020, 博士(農学), 東京大学, 農学関係, 博農第4641号, 日本庭園の特質認識と現代ランドスケープへの影響に関する研究


  • 01 Apr. 2022



  • A Study of the Differences between Japanese and Foreigners' Tour Experiences of Hamarikyu Gardens by Analyzing Review Site, YASUHARA Arisa; LIU Ming, Papers on Environmental Information Science, ceis35, 227, 232, 30 Nov. 2021, Center for Environmental Information Science, In this study, we clarified the similarities, differences, and evaluation tendency of the tour experience between Japanese and foreigners’ through text mining of Japanese and English reviews about Hama-rikyu Gardens posted on the travel review site "tripadviser". The results showed that Japanese people often described the plants in the garden and the surrounding city area in terms, while foreigners were rich in adjectival expressions regarding their impressions of the garden. The analysis of co-occurrence revealed the similarities between the Japanese and foreigners who highly appreciated the volunteer guides. As for the differences, the Japanese noticed the large number of foreign tourists while the foreigners may have been more interested in the unique history of the garden than the Japanese do.
  • 84, 4, 354, 357, Jan. 2021
  • The Structure of Recognition about the Japanese Garden Image analyzed from the Incongruity Feelings of Overseas Japanese Gardens, LIU Ming; SHIMOMURA Akio; NAKAMURA Kazuhiko; YAMAMOTO Kiyotatsu, Papers on Environmental Information Science, ceis33, 19, 24, 25 Nov. 2019, Center for Environmental Information Science, The study aims to discuss the recognition structure about the Japanese Garden identity by clarifying reasons for the incongruity feelings that native Japanese felt about overseas Japanese gardens. As a result, it was found that the material and shape of a single garden element was important. Through correspondence analysis, 3 dimensions that showed the focus points from the aspects of ‘natural objects / artifacts’ ‘landscape features / element features’ and ‘clear/unclear boundary’ was found. Analysis within this structure suggests that the main elements are easy to see and ‘the traditional’ ‘the depth of the landscape’ ‘the fit with adjacent elements’ are important when recognizing Japanese gardens. The contrast with the surroundings of landscape elements such as color and texture, is also an important part.


  • Jun. 2020


  • 22H01667
  • 23K22937
  • JP23K22937

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