A Study of the Differences between Japanese and Foreigners' Tour Experiences of Hamarikyu Gardens by Analyzing Review Site, YASUHARA Arisa; LIU Ming, Papers on Environmental Information Science, ceis35, 227, 232, 30 Nov. 2021, Center for Environmental Information Science, In this study, we clarified the similarities, differences, and evaluation tendency of the tour experience between Japanese and foreigners’ through text mining of Japanese and English reviews about Hama-rikyu Gardens posted on the travel review site "tripadviser". The results showed that Japanese people often described the plants in the garden and the surrounding city area in terms, while foreigners were rich in adjectival expressions regarding their impressions of the garden. The analysis of co-occurrence revealed the similarities between the Japanese and foreigners who highly appreciated the volunteer guides. As for the differences, the Japanese noticed the large number of foreign tourists while the foreigners may have been more interested in the unique history of the garden than the Japanese do.