K-ReaD( Kokugakuin University Researcher’s Achievement)

Satoshi ASANO
Department of Tourism and Community Development
Last Updated :2024/04/30



  • 氏名

    Satoshi ASANO



  • Department of Tourism and Community Development, Professor


  • Apr. 1989, Mar. 1992, Waseda University


  • 03 Mar. 1994, 博士(工学), 早稲田大学, 工学関係, 甲996号, 台湾における歴史的環境保全に関する計画論的研究 -日本の保全制度・計画との比較からみた台湾の特徴と課題-


  • Apr. 2022, 9999, Kokugakuin University, Faculty of Tourism and Community Planning, Prpfessor


  • 01 Apr. 2022


  • Landscape Planning
  • City Planning



  • 21K04435, Continuous Reconstruction Wooden Housing Plan Considering Hazard Area in Residential Instruction Area
  • 18K04507, Earthquake Reconstruction Housing Plan to Convert Emergency Temporary Wooden Housing into Disaster Public Housing, This study examined the "Earthquake Reconstruction-Ready Wooden Housing Plan" for Mie Prefecture (Tokai Region), which is preparing for a large-scale disaster caused by Nankai Trough Earthquake, in order to continue long-term reuse of temporary wooden emergency housing by converting them into public disaster housing after the end of the provision period. The main results of the study were, first, to clarify the positioning of temporary housing under the relevant systems and points to be considered for its continued use. Second, through case studies, I clarified how the continuous use of temporary wooden structures was realized and the technical issues involved. Third, I evaluated the sufficiency of candidate sites for the construction of temporary housing in municipalities in Mie Prefecture, and made specific estimates of the shortage of candidate sites. Fourth, we devised a basic frame for the "Earthquake Reconstruction-Ready Wooden Housing Plan".
  • 15K06356, Urgent Study on Temporary Land Use Plan in the First Half of Earthquake Reconstruction, The purpose of this urgent study is to clarify the temporary land use plan in the first half of earthquake reconstruction in Mie Prefecture. It is demanded that the local government prepares for damage caused by the Nankai trough giant earthquake. Through analyses of the temporary land use in the earthquake disaster revival manual of Tokyo which is pioneer about measures of the earthquake disaster revival, I devised it about a frame and the development procedure of the temporary land use plan and the guideline for construction on emergency temporary housing.
  • 24560744, An Urgent Study on the Management of Technical Standard of Emergency Temporary Residence After an Earthquake Disaster, The purpose of this study is to make the contents of technical standard of management in emergency temporary residence clear. A technical standard is criterion for the necessary amount of emergency temporary housing and the candidate site for construction. Through an analysis of the present guideline by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and an investigation to the situation of the disaster area, a guideline to select the site proposed for construction on emergency temporary housing was designed and its utility was estimated through a case study in Shima city.
  • 19560616, Study on the Landscape Control Method of the Preservation Districts of Historic Buil dings by the Combination of Landscape Law
  • 15560533, A STUDY ON THE ROLES AND THE RESULTS OF THE LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURE BY THE PREFECTURES, The Prefectures Landscape ordinance are classified roughly into three types of the adjustment type to coordinate measures with municipalities, the parallel type that the Prefectures and municipalities develop measures originally each, the independence type that municipalities become independent from the Prefectures.;A characteristic of the adjustment type is to develop landscape administrative measure generally over hard soft both sides. A characteristic of the parallel type is to designate wide landscape formation areas for natural scene along main roads. A characteristic of the independence type is to support municipalities measures.;It is that the role of the Prefectures is to develop landscape administrative measure of wide areas and to support municipalities measure. In addition, it is evaluated the adjustment type is to develop generally the landscape measure positively.
  • 11650627, A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE CONSERVATION SYSTEMS FOR HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT IN EAST ASIA, JAPAN, P.R.CHINA, TAIWAN AND KOREA, The aim of the research is to consider a comparison analysis about the transition and the current state of the conservation systems for historic environment in the East Asian including China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan and investigate the characteristics among them.;Taking a general view of the development situations of the historic environmental conservation administration in the East Asian, it is understood that Japan is working on historic environmental conservation at a considerably early stage by contraries. The conservation legislation of Japan came for related laws enacted newly or applied in Korea and Taiwan during the Japan occupation period, when the first modern legislations in both are straightened.;However, a inherent natural environment or historic environment in the region are destroyed in its period with the development of the urban development work etc. In Japan, it ought to a reflection not to let it repeated again.;After the World War II, the Japanese conservation legislations with the features of inclusive legislation and the emphasis protectionism, etc. came to be brought by both by the Cultural Properties Preservation Law's etc. of Japan being referred when the historic environmental conservation systems was straightened both in Korea and Taiwan.;The twice earthquakes occurred in central part of Taiwan in 1999 caused big damage to historical buildings, streets and villages, and a new exchange of experience by the mutual contacts between the civilian organizations and experts in Japan and Taiwan for solving various kinds of problems afterward. The conversation system of China did not influenced by Japan directly results from following the different path of social systems from Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. Historical Cultural Cities Conservation System is a system with a large scale to work on the conversation of the city structure by the city scale, and it can be said that there is a big difference in the respect with Taiwan, Korea, and Japan that chiefly analysis of the current state, and to consider encountering learning from mutual experience based on a relative aspect.
  • 07459013, A Fundumental study of the rigional culture around the historical route of Ise bay area, In this project, we intend to interprete the regional culture in Ise bay area as "the culture of the historical route" , which mediate the wide cultural exchange, to the following three points of view ;;1) the formation of the spacial character of the historical route,;2) the formattion of the curtural character of the historical route,;3) the utilization of the culture of the historical route as the means of vitarization Ise bay area.;Concerning the first problem, we research the following three subjects ;;1-1) the cityplanning of 16-17c Tsu,;1-2) architectural character of Ise Onshi house in the Yedo era,;1-3) the character and the reason of the transformation of historical route.;Concerning the second problem, we research the following four subjects ;;2-1) the circulation of local goods by means of historical route traffic in ancient Ise bay area,;2-2) the formation of local goods and industory by means of historical route traffic in 17-19c Ise bay area,;2-3) the formation of local language expression in the Yedo era,;2-4) analisis of literatural works of MATSUO BASHO conserning historical route and traveil.;Concerning the third problem, we research the following two subjects ;;3-1) creation of new regional culture viewed from the activities of drum performance groupes in Ise bay area,;3-2) relation of regional development and the historial route in Ise bay area.
  • 05855089
  • 05650592, A study on spatial character and life-style of Japanese settlement located in Far East Russia before World War II, In 1995, we 1) investigated of buildings in central area of Vladivostok, 2)restored the state of distribution of Japanese owners'shops and enterprises around 1920 in Vladivostok by collecting of their advertisement appeared in Japanese old news paper "Urajio Nippo" published there, 3) considered about character of spatial composition and life-style in Japanese settlement and 4) compiled final report of this study. The contents of final report are followings ;;Section 1.Urban history of central area in Vladivostok;Chapter 1.Forming process of central area and block pattern;Chapter 2.Spatial structure of block and its forming process;Chapter 3.Buildings locating along Svetlanskaya st.;Section 2.Foreign settlement in Vladivostok (mainly about Japanese settlement around 1920);Chapter 1.Location of foreign settlement before Soviet era (1860-1920);Chapter 2.History and characterof Japanese settlement till 1920;Chapter 3.Spatial character and life-style in Japanese settlement around 1920.;Conclusion of this study are as follows ;;1) three types of spatial composition which were supposed to be originated from different types of cultural character are found inside same block,;2) factors of site of Japanese shops and enterprises were depended on the geographical process of developing of this city and the relation with the location of facsilities for Japanese community,;3) because of lack of building owner, we can suppose the depth of Japanese settling were not so much while a lot of Japanese shops and enterprises were located in central area around 1920.
  • 22H01667
  • 23K22937
  • JP23K22937
  • JP21K04435, Continuous Reconstruction Wooden Housing Plan Considering Hazard Area in Residential Instruction Area



  • 2022, 1年次前期の必修となる本科目では、観光まちづくり学部での学習を始めるにあたり、大学における主体的な学修の方法を理解し、基礎的な学修能力を身につけることを目的とする。|具体的には、初歩的なアカデミックスキルとして、文献検索・引用の作法や、論理的な記述方法に基づいたレポートの作成方法を修得する。また、 他者と協働して課題に取り組むためのディスカッションやプレゼンテーシ ョンの作法について、観光やまちづくりにかかわる課題を通して実践的に身につける。
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • 2023, 観光都市の多くは、長い時間をかけて発展している歴史都市であり、数多くの建築が存在している。歴史都市といってもその姿は多様であり、古代の都城から発展した奈良市や京都市、中世の城塞都市から発展した鎌倉市、近世の城下町から発展した金沢市や彦根市、近代の外国人居留地から発展した横浜市や神戸市等のように計画・設計された時代や目的の違いが、観光都市としての個性や魅力の違いを生み出している。日本の都市・建築の計画・設計の歴史について、古代から現代を対象に俯瞰し、通史的に捉えた潮流、各時代の特徴と代表事例、地域資源としての魅力について解説する。
  • 2023, 1年次前期の必修となる本科目では、観光まちづくり学部での学習を始めるにあたり、大学における主体的な学修の方法を理解し、基礎的な学修能力を身につけることを目的とする。|具体的には、初歩的なアカデミックスキルとして、文献検索・引用の作法や、論理的な記述方法に基づいたレポートの作成方法を修得する。また、他者と協働して課題に取り組むためのディスカッションやプレゼンテーシ ョンの作法について、観光やまちづくりにかかわる課題を通して実践的に身につける。



  • The City Planning Institute of Japan, 01 Apr. 1989
  • Architectural Institute of Japan, 01 Apr. 1987


  • 15 Feb. 2024, 14 Feb. 2026, 名古屋市, 名古屋市緑の審議会専門部会委員, 名古屋市緑の審議会専門部会委員として、名古屋市の緑地行政に関する審議等を行う。
  • 01 Jun. 2022, 30 May 2024, 伊勢市, 伊勢市都市計画審議会会長, 伊勢市都市計画審議会会長として、伊勢市の都市計画に関する審議等を行う。
  • 24 Sep. 2022, 23 Sep. 2024, 三重県教育委員会, 三重県文化財保護審議会委員, 三重県文化財保護審議会委員として、三重県の文化財保護行政に関する審議等を行う。
  • 01 Jul. 2023, 30 Jun. 2024, 鳥羽市, 鳥羽市景観計画審議会会長, 鳥羽市景観計画審議会会長として、鳥羽市景観計画の審議等を行う。
  • 01 Jul. 2022, 30 Jun. 2024, 鳥羽市, 鳥羽市都市計画審議会会長, 鳥羽市都市計画審議会会長として、鳥羽市都市計画の審議等を行う。
  • 01 Feb. 2023, 31 Jan. 2025, 志摩市, 志摩市景観審議会会長, 志摩市景観審議会会長として、志摩市景観計画の審議等を行う。
  • 22 Jan. 2023, 21 Jan. 2026, 三重県, 三重県国土利用計画審議会会長, 三重県国土利用計画審議会会長として、三重県国土利用計画の審議等を行う。
  • 21 May 2022, 20 May 2024, 南木曽町, 妻籠宿保存地区保存審議会委員, 妻籠宿保存地区保存審議会委員として、妻籠宿伝統的建造物群保存地区保存計画の審議等を行う。
  • 01 Jul. 2023, 30 Jun. 2025, 津市, 津市景観審議会会長, 津市景観審議会会長として、津市の景観計画に関する審議等を行う。
  • 01 Nov. 2022, 31 Oct. 2024, 津市, 津市都市計画審議会会長, 津市都市計画審議会会長として、津市の都市計画に関する審議等を行う。
  • 01 Apr. 2024, 31 Mar. 2025, 松阪市, 松阪市景観計画改訂検討委員会委員長, 松阪市景観計画改訂検討委員会委員長として、松阪市景観計画の改定について検討する。
  • 01 Apr. 2024, 31 Mar. 2026, 斎宮博物館, 斎宮跡調査研究指導委員, 斎宮跡調査研究指導委員として、斎宮跡の調査研究の指導、助言等を行う。
  • 01 Mar. 2024, 28 Feb. 2026, 鳥羽市, 鳥羽市空家等対策委員会委員長, 鳥羽市空家等対策委員会委員長として、鳥羽市空家対策計画の審議等を行う。
  • 01 Dec. 2023, 30 Nov. 2025, 伊賀市, 伊賀市景観審議会会長, 伊賀市景観審議会会長として、伊賀市景観計画の審議等を行う。
  • 01 Jun. 2023, 31 May 2025, 津市, 津市景観アドバイザー, 津市景観アドバイザーとして、津市景観計画の助言、指導を行う。
  • 07 Apr. 2023, 06 Apr. 2025, 亀山市, 亀山市景観審議会会長, 亀山市景観審議会会長として、亀山市景観計画の審議等を行う。
  • 01 Feb. 2024, 31 Mar. 2026, 明和町, 明和町歴史的風致維持向上協議会委員, 明和町歴史的風致維持向上協議会委員として、明和町歴史的風致維持向上計画の審議等を行う。
  • 01 Apr. 2024, 31 Mar. 2026, 伊賀市, 伊賀市歴史的風致維持向上協議会, 伊賀市歴史的風致維持向上協議会副会長として、伊賀市歴史的風致維持向上計画に関する審議等を行う。
  • 01 Apr. 2023, 31 Mar. 2025, 津島市, 津島市歴史的風致維持向上協議会委員, 津島市歴史的風致維持向上協議会委員として、津島市歴史的風致維持向上計画に関する審議等を行う。
  • 01 Apr. 2024, 31 Mar. 2025, 国立大学法人三重大学, 三重大学大学院工学研究科協力研究員(リサーチフェロー), 三重大学大学院工学研究科協力研究員として、共同研究に参加、協力する。
  • 15 May 2023, 31 Mar. 2025, 三重県, 三重県景観アドバイザー, 三重県景観アドバイザーとして、自治体からの依頼に応じて、景観計画等に関する指導、助言、講演等を行う。
  • 01 Apr. 2023, 31 Mar. 2025, UR都市再生機構, URまちづくり専門家, URまちづくり専門家として自治体のまちづくりに指導、助言をする。

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