22 Mar. 2024
31 Mar. 2021
01 Oct. 2020
01 Jun. 2020
01 Feb. 2020
01 Mar. 2018
19 Sep. 2019
31 Aug. 2019
01 Apr. 2018
01 Mar. 2018
1, 131, 135, 01 Mar. 2006
第107巻第11号, 259, 275, 01 Nov. 2006
34号, 1, 11, 01 Mar. 2007
2, 103, 107, 01 Mar. 2007
50号, 114, 134, 01 Jan. 2008
3, 125, 129, 01 Mar. 2008
53巻12月号, 74, 79, 01 Dec. 2008
第1号, 327, 337, 01 Mar. 2009
おうふう, 501, 511, 01 Nov. 2009
第2号, 215, 223, 01 Mar. 2010
第3号第2分冊, 265, 274, 01 Mar. 2011
第112巻第4号, 15, 28, 01 Apr. 2011
第222・223号, 73, 97, 01 Jul. 2011
復刊第3号(通巻7号), 33, 52, 01 Oct. 2011
第36輯, 13, 20, 01 Mar. 2012
125, 133, 01 Mar. 2012
第5号, 69, 95, 01 Mar. 2013
第8号, 163, 199, 01 Mar. 2014
57号, 2, 17, 01 Feb. 2014
The Features of Man'yoshu in Shakunihongi : Consideration from the Annotation History, KOKUGAKUIN ZASSHI, 第115巻第10号, 321, 337, 15 Oct. 2014, KOKUGAKUIN UNIVERSITY
MITSUYA Shigematsu's dissertation and ORIKUCHI Shinobu, KOSHI-GKUJUTSUSHISAN-KENKKYU(Studies of Kokugakuin Archives and Academic Resource)
, 第7号, 87, 111, 06 Mar. 2015, Kokugakuin Archives and Academic Resource Center
Organization for the Advancement of Research and Development KOKUGAKUIN UNIVERSITY
285, 312, 29 Feb. 2016
15 Aug. 2014
89, 114, 28 Feb. 2017
第63冊, 41, 48, 01 Mar. 2004
15K02236, Overall Stuty of SENNDAI-KUJI-HONGI, A SENDAI-KUJI-HONGI workshop is organized by a researcher of four fields of the Japanese literature, the Japanese history,the Sinto science and Japanese science .;It's interdisciplinary, a problem of study history of "SENDAI-KUJI-HONGI" and the joint research which considers future's problem were performed.An opening to the public meeting for giving papers was put into effect in September, 2017.A study representative issues the current state of this late head of the family old matter period "and" the problem which carry 10 theses and 4 columns by 12 people who have added 3 researchers to an allotment researcher more than Kasama study in May, 2018 from Kasama study and elucidates widely for an outcome of this research.
22320130, Comprehensive Study of the previous fiscal year study of Japanese classical literature in the early modern period, This study has clarified the development of the early Kokugaku,in which Kadano Asumamaro played a vital role,analyzed its impact on culture and politics,and evaluated it in the developing of early modern Japanese society.In particular,this study has been achieved by the following two surveys.One was the complete enumeration of Higashihakura family documents, in which family Azumamaro had been born and the documents has been transmitted to.The survey revealed Azumamaro's 1100 associates in his later years, mainly in Edo. It also illuminated that his human networks covered cultural, religional and political fields, and how it affected to expand the early Kokugaku. The other was the compilation of all Waka poems of Azumamaro and his deciples, which elucidated how Kokugaku had developed. With the viewpoints of Shinto history, legal history and bibliography, this interdisciplinary research enabled to solve several issues around Genroku-Kyouhou period comprehensively.
24K00011, Research on the relationship between early modern Shinto restoration and reconstruction and records of the history of shrines