37, 55, 61, Mar. 2020
110, 6, 48, 56, Jun. 2019
70, 29, 35, Feb. 2019
;, 70, 2, 29, 35, Feb. 2019
49, 5, 16, 19, May 2018
;, 2017, 109, 110, 20 Jul. 2017, Architectural Institute of Japan
119, 124, Jun. 2017
43, 103, 114, Feb. 2017
71, 3, 70, 79, Sep. 2016
Community Development with Migrants into Rural Areas under the Social Trend on “
Den-en Kaiki - Return to Rural Living”, TSUTSUI Kazunobu;SAKUMA Yasutomi;KASAMI Kazuo, GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES, 71, 3, 156, 165, 2016, THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES
Regional Regeneration by Business in Rural Community of In-migrants from Urban Areas, TSUTSUI Kazunobu;SAKUMA Yasutomi;KASAMI Kazuo, JOURNAL OF RURAL PLANNING ASSOCIATION, 34, 1, 45, 50, 2015, THE ASSOCIATION OF RURAL PLANNING
Social meaning of Rural migration and the Rural migration policy of Mie Prefecture, KASAMI Kazuo;FUJII Rie, Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 2017a, 0, 100152, 2017, The Association of Japanese Geographers
A study on the functions of local communities in community, Sakuma Yasutomi;Tsutsui Kazunobu;Kasami Kazuo;Yusa Toshihiko, JOURNAL OF THE HOUSING RESEARCH FOUNDATION "JUSOKEN", 43, 0, 103, 114, 2017, Housing Research Foundation, This study pointed out the following four functions of local communities in community development using vacant houses in rural Japan. The first is researching the distribution and condition of vacant houses. The second is sharing information with the local government. The third is acting as a mediator between the vacant houses and immigrants, and the fourth is supporting the community life of migrants.
The current state of migration to rural areas and transition of migrant needs, KASAMI Kazuo, The Japanese Journal of Real Estate Sciences, 32, 2, 91, 97, 28 Sep. 2018, Japan Association for Real Estate Sciences, The situation of the internal migrationto rural areas has greatly changed in several years. There was the change of the measure of the government regional revigoration, too, and the number of young migration applicants in particular increased; half of the consultation cases for migration are from 20-30 year-old groups. In addition, dual habitation needs gradually decreases, and a person for the domiciliation to the district is most. The number of migration applicants increased, and short supply in housing occurred, especially in lease properties. To meet such housing needs, several local municipalities have launched vacant house banks, but the search for vacant house is still difficult. When promoting migration to rural areas, the shortage in housing is crucial issue. Communitybased approach to empty property owners is required as well as administration-based approach. In addition to existing local communities, new types of community such as NPO community would take its leading part for the issue.
;;, 36, 1, 119, 124, Jun. 2017
;;, 26, 333, 336, Dec. 2011
11, 20, 26, Dec. 2010
635, 34, 37, 2020
8, 102, 110, 2015
22, 25, 28, Dec. 2007
[2016], 38記念号, 58, 65, 2016
35, 45, 50, 1999
;;;;;, 36, 4, 530, 539, Mar. 2018
;, 49, 5, 16, 19, Oct. 2018
624, 58, 60, 2018
69, 10, 124, 131, Sep. 2014
110, 6, 48, 56, Jun. 2019
;;, 63, 6, 20, 26, Jun. 2018
627, 66, 68, 2018
;;, 94, 18, 21, Jun. 2015
;;, 32, 12, 21, 2014
70, 7, 28, 30, Jul. 2016
34, 45, 50, 1999
About unibersity ucation and a relation with mountain Village area : About activity of carpenter private supplmentary school, kasmi Kazuo, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, 1999, 581, 582, 30 Jul. 1999, Architectural Institute of Japan
A Study on Rural Tourism in Ireland, KASAMI Kazuo, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, 2000, 627, 628, 31 Jul. 2000, Architectural Institute of Japan
1349 Investigation of Bamboo Reinforcement with Radar Device, EGUSA Yosio;WATANABE Hideki;TAMAI Takayuki;JIBIKI Naoto;KASAMI Kazuo;KASAMI Hideo, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-1, Materials and construction, 2005, 697, 698, 31 Jul. 2005, Architectural Institute of Japan