The Path of Izumine - An Archaeological Study of the Formation of a Pilgrimage Route Around the Izu Peninsula, Taro, Fukasawa, Archaeology of Beliefs Related to Mountains Ⅲ, 231, 243, 18 Jun. 2020, Douseisya, In the fringes of the Izu Peninsula, Sutra mounds and surrounding temples and shrines formed "Reijyo: Sacred site" in the 12-13th centuries, and pilgrimage routes were developed. Around the 14th century, Shugen-grottoes appeared between these "Reijyo", where ascetic practitioners would go to incubation. It is thought that at this time, a path for religious ascetic practices was opened on the pilgrimage route for general pilgrims, and the "Izumine" ascetic practices were established.
Excavation of the Hitachi-Kagamizuka Tumulus, Taro, Fukasawa, The Presentation Materials of the Symposium "Hitachi-Kagamizuka Tumulus", 1, 10, 25 Dec. 2019, Board of Education, Oarai Town, Ibaraki Pref., The excavated materials from Kagamizuka tumulus in the collection of Kokugakuin University Museum and the records of the excavation at the time of the excavation were re-examined to reveal the actual state of the research, including results that were not included in the excavation report.
Archeology of Izu-Shugen religion, Taro, Fukasawa, Memoirs of the Kokugakuin University Museum, 32, 37, 53, 01 Mar. 2016, This study examined the actual situation of Izu Shugen(伊豆修験), which was abolished with the separation of Shinto and Buddhism in the early Meiji period, and its major annual event, ascetic practice on the "Izumine Heji(伊豆峯辺路)". As a result, it is possible to understand the development of Soto-san(走湯山) and Izu Shugen, which can be divided into five phases from the 9th to the 19th century.
Archaeology of the Jingu (Grand shrine of Ise), Taro, Fukasawa, Memoirs of the Curatorial Research Center, Kokugakuin University, 31, 1, 13, 25 Mar. 2015, The Shinto shrine remains are classified into three categories: 1) whitch with natural landscape, 2) whitch with an accumulation of earthenware, and 3) whitch with wooden architecture. The central part of Jingu consists of the Main hall (Shoden), which houses the sacred object, and earthenwares called”Ame-no-hiraka””, which was accumulated around the "Shin-no-mihashira", a pillar set under the floor of the Shoden. Category 1 corresponds to shrines dedicated to immovable deities, while categories 2 and 3 correspond to shrines dedicated to movable deities, and it is clear that the nature of the site and the nature of the deity are likely to be interrelated.
223, 229, 25 May 2012
51, 62, 31 Mar. 2012, 吉田恵二・内川隆志・深澤太郎・中村耕作・石井匠・田中大輔
第12号, 69, 78, 22 Mar. 2012
430, 439, 31 Aug. 2010
第2号, 113, 123, 31 Mar. 2010
Archaeological Analysis for Mishima-shin Deity and Miyake-ki Story:Medieval Stone Heap and Stone Ritual on the Miyake Island, Bulletin of Research Center for Traditional Culture,Kokugakuin University No.1, 第1号, 115, 123, 31 Mar. 2009, Reserch Center for Traditional Culture,Kokugakuin University
第109巻第11号, 38, 53, 01 Nov. 2008
第4集, 107, 127, 01 Mar. 2007
01 Mar. 2007, 加藤里美、山添奈苗、深澤太郎、新原佑典、加藤夏姫、張彦
01 Mar. 2007, 村松洋介、野内智一郎、深澤太郎
第3号, 01 Dec. 2006
第39輯, 33, 52, 01 Nov. 2005
第2集, 29, 42, 01 Mar. 2005
第99号, 1, 4, 01 Sep. 2004
01 Jan. 2002
119, 123, 01 Mar. 2001, 新山保和、深澤太郎
惡(AKU) Evil, Mighty and Super: Those who do not conform, Taro, Fukasawa, Kokugakuin University Museum, 01 Jun. 2018, What is "悪 (AKU)"?
We will therefore focus on the character for "AKU," which originated in ancient China, to ascertain its original meaning. We will then examine how Japanese people have accepted this character and given it a new meaning. There, we find not only a frightening human figure, but also a surprisingly positive aspect and a fictional figure created by those in power.
Learning the word "悪 (AKU)" is also an exercise in detecting today's "evil (AKU)".
14 Dec. 2017, 第54集
The Genealogy of Japanese Idols, Taro, Fukasawa, 26 Apr. 2016, Why are our hearts are moved by idols?
Despite having human form, idols existence brings forth a life power that surpasses mortals. This exhibition following transitions in media produced by humans, looks at the history of Japanese performing arts, allowing us to contact things not in the here and now as well as transcendental beings such as deities (kami 神) and Buddhas. Looking back at primitive images and considering the archetypes of contemporary idols allows us to consider their origins.
01 Mar. 2016, 第32輯, 林大貴・植田真
01 Mar. 2016, 尾上周平・富田谷桃子
31 Mar. 2015
01 Mar. 2015
20 Sep. 2014, 8号, 丑野毅、小林青樹
01 Mar. 2014, 第30輯
01 Mar. 2014, 第30輯
01 Mar. 2014
11 Mar. 2013, 深澤太郎、筒井裕、加藤渉、吉野亨、望月陽子、酒匂喜洋、湯沢丈
11 Mar. 2012, 内川隆志、中山郁、筒井裕、加藤渉、吉野亨、望月陽子
31 Mar. 2011, 第3号第1分冊, 國學院大學研究開発推進機構伝統文化リサーチセンター(内川隆志・深澤太郎・石井匠・中村耕作・加藤元康・三橋健・笹生衛・吉田恵二・俵寛司)
31 Mar. 2011, 第3号第1分冊, 國學院大學研究開発推進機構伝統文化リサーチセンター「祭祀遺跡にみるモノと心」プロジェクト(内川隆志・深澤太郎・石井匠・田中大輔・宮川博司・楠惠美子・山口晃・中村耕作・新原佑典・加藤元康)
03 Dec. 2010
31 Mar. 2010, 第2号, 吉田恵二、内川隆志、石井匠、朝倉一貴、佐藤周平、楠惠美子、上田翼、山口晃、林友里恵、吉田千夏
01 Sep. 2006
01 Apr. 2006, 菊池徹夫、小林三郎、杉山晋作、岡内三眞、若狭徹、犬木努、太田博之、日高慎、城倉正祥、深澤太郎、佐藤佑樹、山口正憲、浅見恵理、浅見貴子、小泉玲子、岡本美希、持田大輔、米澤雅美、加藤一郎、太田雅晃、山田俊輔、鈴木正博、大竹憲昭、橋本博文、黒沢浩、中條英樹
01 Mar. 2006, 小林達雄、伊藤慎二、加藤元康、渋谷賢太郎、阿部昭典、土屋健作、中野拓大、古澤義久、金恩瑩、川崎保、小畑弘己、加藤博文、吉田恵二、山添奈苗、新原佑典、武田芳雅、加藤里美、深澤太郎、趙輝、王守功、高明奎、黄川田修、金宝實、杉山林継、村松洋介、野内智一郎、甲元眞之、梁桂月
01 Mar. 2006, 杉山林継、加藤里美、新原佑典、杉山章子、武田芳雅、中村耕作、深澤太郎、山添奈苗
01 Mar. 2005, 加藤里美、田中秀典、深澤太郎、山添奈苗、新原佑典
01 Mar. 2005, 杉山林継、加藤里美、中村耕作、新原佑典、杉山章子、深澤太郎、山添奈苗
01 Mar. 2005, 伊藤慎二、小林達雄、藤本強、加藤元康、宮下数史、中島里佳、阿部昭典、橋口豊、中野拓大、岩崎厚志、高橋毅、坂梨夏代、手塚美穂、ユーリア=クロトワ、アナトリー=クズネツォフ、アレクサンドル=クルピアンコ、アンドレイ=タバレフ、吉田邦夫、國木田大、イーゴリ=シェフコムド、吉田恵二、加藤里美、新原佑典、武田芳雅、山添奈苗、深澤太郎、五十嵐睦、川村佳男、王健華、杉山林継、村松洋介、野内智一郎、中村耕作、梁桂月
01 Mar. 2004, 加藤里美、田中秀典、深澤太郎、山添奈苗
01 Mar. 2004, 杉山林継、加藤里美、深澤太郎、山添奈苗
01 Mar. 2003, 加藤里美、山内利秋、小川直之、厚香苗、沼崎麻矢、田中秀典、高野晶文、杉山林継、中村耕作、宇野淳子、井上洋一、橋本陽子、石田成年、深澤太郎、山添奈苗
01 Mar. 2001, 吉田恵二、安藤敏孝、新山保和、篠原慎二、深澤太郎、荒井裕介、石橋宏、田中大輔、村松洋介、石原佑介、関根信夫、青木敬、原智之、山添奈苗、中村大、高橋泰子、多ヶ谷香理、鈴木瑞穂
01 Jul. 1999, 吉田恵二、深澤太郎、高野和弘、金枝賢一郎、近田博郁、堀井隆行、栗崎宏介、小林寛子、中島敦子、比嘉允史、藤本憲子、海老原恵美、大野雅栄、金子晶子、斉藤久美、清野吉宏、根岸高広、瀬尾百恵、安良岡伸之、赤堀隆之、清水俊次、下田孝二、沼間一穂、林生寿、山添奈苗、山中史、小川裕司、川西直樹、桜井浩司、勝田悠介、川上淳、小丸顕、藤本賢司、岡田剛男、長谷川正輝、江原岳志、田中京一、渡部浩介、越智正明、鈴木伸、秋谷順、小久顕治、滝本織絵、石崎悠文、安保雅利、青柳尚孝、原智之
01 Mar. 1998, 亀井明徳、野本孝明、時雨彰、大森信宏、榊原朋子、新山保和、片山裕介、篠原慎二、深澤太郎、杉山章子