Deities in the interwar period, Hirafuji Kikuko, Journal of Religious Studies, 97, 407, 251, 273, 08 Sep. 2023, The term "polytheism" emerged during the Meiji period. While it can be used in its literal sense to refer to a religion that believes in multiple gods, it also acquired the image of a less evolved and backward religion when contrasted with monotheism in the context of religious evolution theory. Particularly among Shintoists, objections arose against classifying Shinto as polytheistic.
This article pointed out that the play "Polytheism" by Izumi Kyoka, published in 1927 during the interwar period, is a work based on the assumption of such a polytheistic complex. It also discussed how the interwar period marked a turning point in the image of polytheism. This shift involved liberating polytheism from the framework of evolutionary theory and emphasising the developmental nature of Shinto as a polytheistic religion. This discourse resonated with the assertion made during the fascist era of colonial domination that polytheistic Japan had an advantage over monotheistic religions in terms of domination.
Deities in the interwar period, Hirafuji Kikuko, Journal of Religious Studies, 97, 407, 251, 273, 0・・・
Deities in the interwar period, Hirafuji Kikuko, Journal of Religious Studies, 97, 407, 251, 273, 08 Sep. 2023, The term "polytheism" emerged during the Meiji period. While it can be used in its literal sense to refer to a religion that believes in multiple gods, it also acquired the image of a less evolved and backward religion when contrasted with monotheism in the context of religious evolution theory. Particularly among Shintoists, objections arose against classifying Shinto as polytheistic.
This article pointed out that the play "Polytheism" by Izumi Kyoka, published in 1927 during the interwar period, is a work based on the assumption of such a polytheistic complex. It also discussed how the interwar period marked a turning point in the image of polytheism. This shift involved liberating polytheism from the framework of evolutionary theory and emphasising the developmental nature of Shinto as a polytheistic religion. This discourse resonated with the assertion made during the fascist era of colonial domination that polytheistic Japan had an advantage over monotheistic religions in terms of domination.
50巻, 8号, 146, 154, 24 Jun. 2022
339, 362, Jun. 2020
254・255号, p.319, p.348, 25 Jul. 2019
217, 01 Mar. 2018
01 Jan. 2018
01 Aug. 2017
01 Jan. 2017
第144号, 01 Mar. 2016
01 Feb. 2016
Translation Issues in Kojiki: God, Deity, or Spirit?, Power and Speech: Mythology of the Social and the Sacred , 01 Jan. 2016, EIKON
Translation Issues in Kojiki: God, Deity, or Spirit?, Power and Speech: Mythology of the Social and ・・・
Translation Issues in Kojiki: God, Deity, or Spirit?, Power and Speech: Mythology of the Social and the Sacred , 01 Jan. 2016, EIKON
Religion and Society, 22, 0, 154, 154, 2016, The Japanese Association for the Study of Religion and Society
“Deities in Japanese popular culture”, Sources of Mythology, 71, 80, 01 Jun. 2014, LIT Verlag
Kazuo MATSUMURA, Mythical Thinkings: What Can We Learn from Comparative Mythology?, Countershock Press, 2014, 294 pp., $15.08, HIRAFUJI Kikuko, Journal of religious studies, 88, 3, 823, 827, 2014, Japanese Association for Religious Studies
Kazuo MATSUMURA, Mythical Thinkings: What Can We Learn from Comparative Mythology?, Countershock Pre・・・
Kazuo MATSUMURA, Mythical Thinkings: What Can We Learn from Comparative Mythology?, Countershock Press, 2014, 294 pp., $15.08, HIRAFUJI Kikuko, Journal of religious studies, 88, 3, 823, 827, 2014, Japanese Association for Religious Studies
Colonial Empire and Mythology Studies: Research on Japanese Myth in the Early Shōwa Period , Kami Ways in Nationalist Territory :Shinto Studies in Prewar Japan and the West, 75, 107, 01 Mar. 2013, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Colonial Empire and Mythology Studies: Research on Japanese Myth in the Early Shōwa Period , Kami Wa・・・
Colonial Empire and Mythology Studies: Research on Japanese Myth in the Early Shōwa Period , Kami Ways in Nationalist Territory :Shinto Studies in Prewar Japan and the West, 75, 107, 01 Mar. 2013, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Religion and Society, 19, 0, 2013, The Japanese Association for the Study of Religion and Society
일본신화학과 엘리아데 , 『종교문화비평』한국종교문화연구소The Critical Review of Religion and Culture, 01 Mar. 2007, The Korea Institute for Religion and Culture
일본신화학과 엘리아데 , 『종교문화비평』한국종교문화연구소The Critical Review of Religion and Culture, 01 Mar. 2007, The Korea・・・
일본신화학과 엘리아데 , 『종교문화비평』한국종교문화연구소The Critical Review of Religion and Culture, 01 Mar. 2007, The Korea Institute for Religion and Culture
69, 112, 15 Jan. 2007, ノルマン・ヘイヴンズ
Study of Japanese Mythology and Nationalism, Japanese Culture and Shinto, No.3, 525, 532, 01 Dec. 2006, Kokugakuin University 21st Century COE Program
Study of Japanese Mythology and Nationalism, Japanese Culture and Shinto, No.3, 525, 532, 01 Dec. 2・・・
Study of Japanese Mythology and Nationalism, Japanese Culture and Shinto, No.3, 525, 532, 01 Dec. 2006, Kokugakuin University 21st Century COE Program
185, 196, 01 Dec. 2006
第49号, 34, 46, 01 Mar. 2006
Hirafuji Kikuko, 49, 34, 46, Mar. 2006, Gakushuin University
118, 124, 01 Jan. 2006
429, 451, 01 Dec. 2005
第43巻, 141, 156, 01 Feb. 2005
179, 196, 01 Feb. 2005
239, 251, 01 Dec. 2003, 黒崎浩行、遠藤潤、吉永敦征
228, 237, 01 Oct. 2003
01 Mar. 2003
55, 69, 01 Sep. 2002
330号, 75, 98, 01 Dec. 2001
第5号, 72, 78, 01 Jan. 2001
第179号, 01 Jul. 2000
第177号, 01 Mar. 2000
第101号, 146, 163, 01 Oct. 1999
第7号, 95, 113, 01 Sep. 1998
第41号, 1, 13, 01 Mar. 1998
01 Mar. 1997
第39号, 51, 60, 01 Mar. 1996
34, 49, 14 Oct. 2009
88巻3輯, 01 Dec. 2014
01 Feb. 2016
Minato Chihiro, Hirafuji Kikuko eds, 15 Aug. 2023
26 Jul. 2022
31 Mar. 2022
08 Nov. 2021
28 Apr. 2020
18 Mar. 2020
27 Jul. 2019
01 Dec. 2017
01 Nov. 2016
01 Nov. 2016
01 Mar. 2015
01 Feb. 2015
09 Feb. 2013
15 May 2009
01 Dec. 2008, 島田 潔, 稲田 智宏
05 Apr. 2007
01 Dec. 2006
01 Jan. 2005
01 Mar. 2004
01 Jun. 2000
01 Apr. 1999
Nov. 2019
12 Feb. 2019
15 Jul. 2019
20 Sep. 2018, Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University
16 Mar. 2019
06 Oct. 2019, Sophia University
The beginning of comparative study between Japanese myth and Korean myth: in the case of Mishina Shoei, International Workshop, Perceptions of the Cultural Other Japanese Images of Korea and Korean Images of Japan, 01 Feb. 2018, The University of Tübingen
The beginning of comparative study between Japanese myth and Korean myth: in the case of Mishina Sho・・・
The beginning of comparative study between Japanese myth and Korean myth: in the case of Mishina Shoei, International Workshop, Perceptions of the Cultural Other Japanese Images of Korea and Korean Images of Japan, 01 Feb. 2018, The University of Tübingen
01 Sep. 2017
01 Aug. 2017
Myth and History: Artists’ Encounter with Mythology in Wartime Japan, International Association for Comparative Mythology, 01 Jun. 2017, Edinburgh university
Myth and History: Artists’ Encounter with Mythology in Wartime Japan, International Association for ・・・
Myth and History: Artists’ Encounter with Mythology in Wartime Japan, International Association for Comparative Mythology, 01 Jun. 2017, Edinburgh university
01 Sep. 2016
Girls Meet Deities: Deities in Japanese Pop Culture, International Sociological Association,, 01 Jul. 2016, University of Vienna
Girls Meet Deities: Deities in Japanese Pop Culture, International Sociological Association,, 01 Ju・・・
Girls Meet Deities: Deities in Japanese Pop Culture, International Sociological Association,, 01 Jul. 2016, University of Vienna
08 Sep. 2013
12 Sep. 2012
16 Jun. 2012
11 Mar. 2012
16 Oct. 2011
07 Oct. 2010
04 Sep. 2010
20 Aug. 2010
01 Mar. 2010
13 Sep. 2009
20 Aug. 2009
07 Jun. 2009
24 May 2009
01 Sep. 2008
08 Dec. 2007
01 Sep. 2007
Study of Japanese Mythology and Nationalism, 01 Dec. 2006, France-Japan International Joint Seminar :Religion, Religious Studies and Nationalism in Contemporary Japan
Study of Japanese Mythology and Nationalism, 01 Dec. 2006, France-Japan International Joint Seminar・・・
Study of Japanese Mythology and Nationalism, 01 Dec. 2006, France-Japan International Joint Seminar :Religion, Religious Studies and Nationalism in Contemporary Japan
01 Sep. 2006
01 Jun. 2006, Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Religious Studies 2006 “Reconsidering Eliade from the East Asian Perspectives”
01 Jun. 2006, Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Religious Studies 2006 “Reconsidering Eliade from the Ea・・・
01 Jun. 2006, Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Religious Studies 2006 “Reconsidering Eliade from the East Asian Perspectives”
Contemporary Mythology in Japan, 01 May 2006, HARVARD ROUND TABLES ON THE ETHNO GENESIS OF SOUTH AND CENTRAL ASIA (ESCA): 8th Round Table, International Conference on Comparative Mythology
Contemporary Mythology in Japan, 01 May 2006, HARVARD ROUND TABLES ON THE ETHNO GENESIS OF SOUTH A・・・
Contemporary Mythology in Japan, 01 May 2006, HARVARD ROUND TABLES ON THE ETHNO GENESIS OF SOUTH AND CENTRAL ASIA (ESCA): 8th Round Table, International Conference on Comparative Mythology
18H00615, Comprehensive Research for the International Platform Development of Japanese Religious Education, We conducted research and investigation on the teachings and materials of Shinto, Buddhism, and Christianity as religions in Japan, involving both Japanese and foreign scholars. Although there were limitations to the planned research exchanges and investigations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to collaborate with overseas universities online and develop religious cultur education utilizing multimedia, such as creating videos. Furthermore, through information exchanges with photographers, we were able to explore techniques for creating teaching materials and conducting research through photography, leading to unexpected research outcomes.
18H00615, Comprehensive Research for the International Platform Development of Japanese Religious Ed・・・
18H00615, Comprehensive Research for the International Platform Development of Japanese Religious Education, We conducted research and investigation on the teachings and materials of Shinto, Buddhism, and Christianity as religions in Japan, involving both Japanese and foreign scholars. Although there were limitations to the planned research exchanges and investigations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to collaborate with overseas universities online and develop religious cultur education utilizing multimedia, such as creating videos. Furthermore, through information exchanges with photographers, we were able to explore techniques for creating teaching materials and conducting research through photography, leading to unexpected research outcomes.
15H03161, Comprehensive Research on Understandings of Antiquity During the Fascist Era, This research project takes up fascism as a phenomenon that expresses the distinctive characteristics of its era and explores from a comparative perspective the understandings of antiquity and mythology during that era. The project focused on religionists, researchers, and intellectuals during these years primarily in those countries that had direct experience with fascism: Japan, Germany, Italy, and Romania. The research also included surveys of relevant historic sites and monuments. The project's findings revealed that fascism was even more of a global phenomenon than had been supposed. Planning is now underway to publish the results of our studies as a collection of articles that will bring together the perspectives of all the researchers who participated in the project.
15H03161, Comprehensive Research on Understandings of Antiquity During the Fascist Era, This researc・・・
15H03161, Comprehensive Research on Understandings of Antiquity During the Fascist Era, This research project takes up fascism as a phenomenon that expresses the distinctive characteristics of its era and explores from a comparative perspective the understandings of antiquity and mythology during that era. The project focused on religionists, researchers, and intellectuals during these years primarily in those countries that had direct experience with fascism: Japan, Germany, Italy, and Romania. The research also included surveys of relevant historic sites and monuments. The project's findings revealed that fascism was even more of a global phenomenon than had been supposed. Planning is now underway to publish the results of our studies as a collection of articles that will bring together the perspectives of all the researchers who participated in the project.
15H03160, Regional Studies on Religion and Well-being in depopulating Japan, This research aims to study how Japanese religions function on the well-being of regional residents who suffer industry decline and depopulation, by social survey, holding international workshops, and publishing influential papers and the book, Shiawase no shukyogaku ( Religious Studies on Well-being) from Hozokan publishing.;Main finding is that although religious corporations such as a temple, shrine, and church declined due to aging of members and regional depopulation, some religions functioned to make social capital in regions by social actions which involved residents into religious events and members of religions into regional activities in reverse.
15H03160, Regional Studies on Religion and Well-being in depopulating Japan, This research aims to s・・・
15H03160, Regional Studies on Religion and Well-being in depopulating Japan, This research aims to study how Japanese religions function on the well-being of regional residents who suffer industry decline and depopulation, by social survey, holding international workshops, and publishing influential papers and the book, Shiawase no shukyogaku ( Religious Studies on Well-being) from Hozokan publishing.;Main finding is that although religious corporations such as a temple, shrine, and church declined due to aging of members and regional depopulation, some religions functioned to make social capital in regions by social actions which involved residents into religious events and members of religions into regional activities in reverse.
23520087, History of Research on Japanese Mythology in Foreign Countries and Reevaluation of Japanese Mythology in the Contemporary World, Before the Pacific War, Japanese mythology was taught in schools for ideological purpose. Due to such wrong usage, after the war, study and education of Japanese mythology has been avoided not only in schools but also in universities. The advancement of mythological studies in other countries however has been quite remarkable: collaborating with other branches of sciences such as archaeology, genetics and phylogeography, comparative mythology is now an important field for the reconstruction of human history. Working together with mythologists of other countries, we introduced the latest stage of research in Japanese academia through publication and at the same time emphasized the cultural importance of Japanese mythology for world culture. Japanese mythology preserves the ancient common mythological structure remarkably well. It deserves more serious collaborated research in Japan, too. Our researchm we hope, could be the first step toward a such larger project.
23520087, History of Research on Japanese Mythology in Foreign Countries and Reevaluation of Japanes・・・
23520087, History of Research on Japanese Mythology in Foreign Countries and Reevaluation of Japanese Mythology in the Contemporary World, Before the Pacific War, Japanese mythology was taught in schools for ideological purpose. Due to such wrong usage, after the war, study and education of Japanese mythology has been avoided not only in schools but also in universities. The advancement of mythological studies in other countries however has been quite remarkable: collaborating with other branches of sciences such as archaeology, genetics and phylogeography, comparative mythology is now an important field for the reconstruction of human history. Working together with mythologists of other countries, we introduced the latest stage of research in Japanese academia through publication and at the same time emphasized the cultural importance of Japanese mythology for world culture. Japanese mythology preserves the ancient common mythological structure remarkably well. It deserves more serious collaborated research in Japan, too. Our researchm we hope, could be the first step toward a such larger project.
23320018, A General Study of Materials Used in Religious Culture Education, Our research has found that using online teaching materials can be extremely effective for carrying out religious culture education. The materials that were produced over the course of our research have been made available through our website. They include commentaries on the basic texts used in religious culture education, a database of world heritage properties associated with religious culture, a database related to film and religious culture, and a database of museums in Japan that are particularly useful for religious culture education.;Discussions at forums with an international framework and at study meetings attended by scholars from many Japanese universities have also made it clear that religious culture education has become an important issue in the context of ongoing globalization. Various initiatives are being undertaken grounded in the religious cultures of the countries concerned.
23320018, A General Study of Materials Used in Religious Culture Education, Our research has found t・・・
23320018, A General Study of Materials Used in Religious Culture Education, Our research has found that using online teaching materials can be extremely effective for carrying out religious culture education. The materials that were produced over the course of our research have been made available through our website. They include commentaries on the basic texts used in religious culture education, a database of world heritage properties associated with religious culture, a database related to film and religious culture, and a database of museums in Japan that are particularly useful for religious culture education.;Discussions at forums with an international framework and at study meetings attended by scholars from many Japanese universities have also made it clear that religious culture education has become an important issue in the context of ongoing globalization. Various initiatives are being undertaken grounded in the religious cultures of the countries concerned.
23320015, Comparative Study of the Relationship between Fascism and Religious Cultures in Different Regions and Times, The aim of this research project was to elucidate the relationship between fascism as a political phenomenon and religious culture in different regions and times. In this project we addressed chiefly three problems: 1) the religious character of fascist movements and cultures, 2) studies of religion and myth in the fascist era, 3) the relationship between fascism and various (especially pre-fascist) religious movements. Our study of these issues enabled us to clarify the complexity and variability found in the relationships between fascist movements and religious cultures.
23320015, Comparative Study of the Relationship between Fascism and Religious Cultures in Different ・・・
23320015, Comparative Study of the Relationship between Fascism and Religious Cultures in Different Regions and Times, The aim of this research project was to elucidate the relationship between fascism as a political phenomenon and religious culture in different regions and times. In this project we addressed chiefly three problems: 1) the religious character of fascist movements and cultures, 2) studies of religion and myth in the fascist era, 3) the relationship between fascism and various (especially pre-fascist) religious movements. Our study of these issues enabled us to clarify the complexity and variability found in the relationships between fascist movements and religious cultures.
20242002, Construction of a Quality-Assuring System for Higher Education about Religious Culture, This research project aimed to establish a quality-assuring system for higher education in the field of religious studies (the term "education about religious culture" has been coined to name religious studies-based education as distinguished from theology-based education). In particular, it planned, on the one hand, to develop an inter-college evaluation system ("shukyo-bunkashi" system) based upon provisional, subject benchmark standards. On the other hand, it attempted to build a clearinghouse for college teachers in religious studies programs, which provides them with practical teaching methods and materials.;The project was carried out by seven working groups, each of which was comprised of the leading members of religious studies programs from more than twenty universities, including both national and private. Its major achievements are : a fact-finding survey of education about religious culture in undergraduate curricula ; needs analyses focusing on students' and corporate expectations for a "shukyo-bunkashi", a qualified specialist in religious culture; the foundation of the inter-college evaluation system of "shukyo-bunkashi" ; the launching of an on-line clearinghouse for teaching materials.;In order to make the results publicly accessible, the project has issued quarterly newsletters as well as held several international symposia, lectures and workshops.
20242002, Construction of a Quality-Assuring System for Higher Education about Religious Culture, Th・・・
20242002, Construction of a Quality-Assuring System for Higher Education about Religious Culture, This research project aimed to establish a quality-assuring system for higher education in the field of religious studies (the term "education about religious culture" has been coined to name religious studies-based education as distinguished from theology-based education). In particular, it planned, on the one hand, to develop an inter-college evaluation system ("shukyo-bunkashi" system) based upon provisional, subject benchmark standards. On the other hand, it attempted to build a clearinghouse for college teachers in religious studies programs, which provides them with practical teaching methods and materials.;The project was carried out by seven working groups, each of which was comprised of the leading members of religious studies programs from more than twenty universities, including both national and private. Its major achievements are : a fact-finding survey of education about religious culture in undergraduate curricula ; needs analyses focusing on students' and corporate expectations for a "shukyo-bunkashi", a qualified specialist in religious culture; the foundation of the inter-college evaluation system of "shukyo-bunkashi" ; the launching of an on-line clearinghouse for teaching materials.;In order to make the results publicly accessible, the project has issued quarterly newsletters as well as held several international symposia, lectures and workshops.
19520064, Comparative Study of Information Literacy in Religious Education in Japan and Korea
18720018, The research on the history and effect of the study of Japanese mythology by foreigners.
18320022, Religion and Religious Studies during the Fascist Era
20H01193, Empirical Re-Examinations of the Concept 'Mother Earth' in the History of Religion, The belief in "the Mother Goddess" has been generally recognized as the oldest phenomenon of human religion and evidenced by the prehistoric female figures in which the breasts and sexual organ are very much exaggerated. However, the size of all the figures are so small (about 10cm high) that one can hold them in a hand. They could hardly be the objects of worshipping. Adding to that, in ancient Mesopotamia where the oldest human civilization was developed, the deity was represented in human form in the Early Dynastic period of Sumer (2900-2400 BCE) and after. Before that period the deity was not expressed in a human figure. The facts mentioned here should suggest that the identification of the prehistoric naked female figures and "the Mother Goddess" is very dubious
20H01193, Empirical Re-Examinations of the Concept 'Mother Earth' in the History of Religion, The be・・・
20H01193, Empirical Re-Examinations of the Concept 'Mother Earth' in the History of Religion, The belief in "the Mother Goddess" has been generally recognized as the oldest phenomenon of human religion and evidenced by the prehistoric female figures in which the breasts and sexual organ are very much exaggerated. However, the size of all the figures are so small (about 10cm high) that one can hold them in a hand. They could hardly be the objects of worshipping. Adding to that, in ancient Mesopotamia where the oldest human civilization was developed, the deity was represented in human form in the Early Dynastic period of Sumer (2900-2400 BCE) and after. Before that period the deity was not expressed in a human figure. The facts mentioned here should suggest that the identification of the prehistoric naked female figures and "the Mother Goddess" is very dubious
19H01554, Clinical Sociology of Well-being and Well-dying in Super-Aged Japan, This study is a clinical sociological research, and deals with the ways of care, nursing, and end-of-life care in old age, illness, and death, which have a significant impact on the well-being of middle-aged and older generations.;Specifically, we will: 1) conduct case studies of viharas and home hospices that provide social support in depopulated areas; 2) conduct clinical surveys of community medical and welfare personnel involved in palliative care and grief care; 3) compare the Japanese view of life and death and contemporary Japanese end-of-life care with those in East Asia and North America; and finally, 4) a theory of well-being that encompasses well-being and well-dying was published in Yoshihide Sakurai (ed.), The Sociology of Well-Being, Hokkaido University Press.
19H01554, Clinical Sociology of Well-being and Well-dying in Super-Aged Japan, This study is a clini・・・
19H01554, Clinical Sociology of Well-being and Well-dying in Super-Aged Japan, This study is a clinical sociological research, and deals with the ways of care, nursing, and end-of-life care in old age, illness, and death, which have a significant impact on the well-being of middle-aged and older generations.;Specifically, we will: 1) conduct case studies of viharas and home hospices that provide social support in depopulated areas; 2) conduct clinical surveys of community medical and welfare personnel involved in palliative care and grief care; 3) compare the Japanese view of life and death and contemporary Japanese end-of-life care with those in East Asia and North America; and finally, 4) a theory of well-being that encompasses well-being and well-dying was published in Yoshihide Sakurai (ed.), The Sociology of Well-Being, Hokkaido University Press.